
Bury your head up your ass farther.

Well, thanks for chastising me, but I’m “happy” he’s in jail and not on the street. There are thousands of predator cops on the street. And I never said he didn’t get preferential treatment, in fact I pointed out that he does get preferential treatment for being a cop, but thanks for chastising me on that too.

When people say it, they don’t mean it. It’s an empty threat. “I’m going to run away from home, dad!”

People do forget that CA is massive and filled with Dems.

Extreme right wing people are right wing because they are violent and ignorant.

He is a cop, so speacial treatment. I guess we should be happy that he is in jail at all and not still in uniform, since cops are generally above the law.

“We, the Left, have modelled censorious behavior.”