Yes! I think that is gorgeous on her.
Yes! I think that is gorgeous on her.
I guess I am, too. :)
I would agree that healthcare is a completely different situation. If I had I friend of family member who needed money for that reason, I think helping is the right thing to do. But for vacations? not so much.
I really hate seeing it on Facebook. A least three people I’m Facebook friends with have started these pages asking for money for Study Abroad over the last few years. It makes me so uncomfortable.
One of my favorite moments was during the special with the orchestra during “Cheese”. When he’s jamming with his drummer in the middle of the song he looks over at the drummer with such joy. He is clearly having the time of his life. It’s so nice to see someone who is really freaking good at their job enjoying it so…
I want to know how it got to this point. Really, no one at Scholastic thought, ‘maybe this might not be the best idea’???
Ah, that could be it.
I love his “YIPPEE!” also his “i don’t think that’s appropriate!” in Prejudice. I feel the same way about Cage/Nerd! Well, if I was better at piano it would be true. But, yeah, other than that, it’s scary accurate. :)
She looks a bit like Judy Greer to me.
Everything of his is good! Cage/Nerd is a piece of self-aware genius, as is Dark Side.
I haven’t seen Matilda! I want to, but I haven’t had the opportunity. Last year they did one of the songs from it during the Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade and it was funny because I immediately thought, ‘that’s definitely Tim Minchin’! He’s definitely my favorite living male comedian.
I’m so jealous of those kids. I would sell my soul to be their kid. Or Tim Minchin’s.
Netflix. Bones reruns, tbh.
“...And we’ve just reached the half-way mark”
Awww :) If anyone deserves happiness it’s Tig. I recently saw her documentary on Netflix and was hoping she would be able to be a parent one day - it was heartbreaking to see her struggle thus far.
1. I’m a woman. 2. The tv station wanting ratings and what the democratic party wants are two different things. The DNC signs a contract with NBC and part of that is when the debate will take place. I’m saying that having it at a crappy time is part of the DNC’s strategy, which is completely unrelated to NBC’s ratings…
I was watching for entertainment purposes, but I finally stopped because I was yelling at the tv with gin in my hand and I realized that isn’t a good look for me and I wasn’t really having fun anymore.
Haha I do have earbuds, but I have you lovely people on Kinja to keep me entertained! I can guarantee I won’t last till the end, but at least if I half-heartedly pay attention I can claim to be politically engaged. *shrug*
I couldn’t do the last republican debate. I’m done with those until they are actually debating dems. I’m watching this one because my parents are and it’s either this or go to bed at 9pm on a Sunday. Yes, my life is just that awesome.
I’m here!