
Bets on how long Martin O’Malley will stay in the race once the primaries actually start?

They don’t. Debates are just a chance to get caught putting your foot in your mouth. The dems are just shutting up and letting the Republicans self destruct. It’s working so far.

Yep. I’m so sick of the talking points. I’ll pay attention again when the GOP and Dems are actually debating each other.

Fuck, no. I’m out - call me when the primaries are over.

When I saw the title of the post it was the first thing I thought of. It really does sum it up. :(

I didn’t realize that! oof.

She is so freaking good in that scene.

I was thinking about this this morning as well. I’ve been surprised by how hard his death has hit me, especially because I’m not usually that affected by celebrity deaths. But Alan Rickman seemed like such a lovely person and he played such varied characters so well and with humor. My favorite roles of his are from

Yeah, they didn’t “yuck it up like a couple of old racists”, he pretended to do that so that he could deliver the line. The entire point of that bit was that he wasn’t sorry at all and he actually doubled down on the idea that Gibson is a piece of shit. There’s a lot to hate Gervais for, but this is isn’t it. As you

yep. It seems like he just wasn’t paying attention, and he does seem like kind of a dick, thus the ‘excuuuuse me!’ face.

YES! It must have been really good whatever it was! Fuckin’ censors.

Kate Hudson is sooo high.

I’m so glad he repeated it. Just to make it clear it didn’t go past him.

Viola Davis’ dress is perfection. The cut, the color, the sleeves, EVERYTHING!

Seriously. That was an impressive bit of acting. People (including myself) have been discussing and even writing entire articles about her character’s motivations ever since.

I’m loving him. He’s playing the transphobic anti-feminist, but he wouldn’t be saying this stuff (especially the equal pay stuff) if he didn’t want to. He’s great!

“She [Caitlin Jenner] broke down a lot of barriers - she didn’t do a lot for women drivers...” - Gervais

I agree. It pulls the eyes down and makes the woman’s boobs look lower than they are. Felicity Huffman’s dress has this problem as well.

He has recently lost a bunch of weight, so this is my guess as well.