
God I love emerald. Not enough women wear emerald dresses to these things!

Nice dress, terrible hair. The braid is so low it’s throwing off the proportions of her head.

That sucks. I hope you kick the government’s ass. Plus, it would be a federal case, which has the potential to go the supreme court, who could make it legal everywhere. I wish you all the luck!

Good! This is yet another reason why the whole thing is so ridiculous. Hemp has tons of legitimate uses!

I joined yesterday and I have Steinem’s book on request at my library!


I’m thinking the second. I’d be surprised if Hefner made making proper repairs as needed a priority. The house is almost 100 years old, and it’s probably seen much more damage than your average house during that time.

I mean, really, they should just raze it to the ground.

Whoever buys this place better have an amazon dash button for lysol wipes.

Same here - I just want to get home sooner.

fingers crossed?

I think we will be waiting a while on this one...

Say it with me: Blackface is never ok!

“Old white feminists” would be a valid criticism if there was a young woman of color running, but since the alternative is an old white man, I’m not sure what the point of your phrasing is.

I agree. I think it is a bit weird that they jumped the gun on this. Most organizations wait until after the primaries. I’d be really interested in hearing their reasoning for announcing an endorsement now.

He is such a good straight man.