
The way they set up that scene before she confronts her husband was just so amazing. She is presented all through the show as this pillar of glam fierceness (mainly because she is) but when she stripped everything bare and looked at him she totally owned it the moment. No makeup, No wig. Nothing. Just "I'm here and

James Marsden played Fuck/Marry/Kill with Neil Patrick Harris, Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper. His answers defy logic.

You know, I'm beginning to suspect that Dr. Luke might not even be a real doctor.

I KNOW. I have to admit, as soon as Wes brought Annalise the phone, I knew there would be photo evidence of her husband screwing Lila. Still, "Why is your penis on a dead girl's phone?" is a great ending line to an episode.

Replaying the murder coverup is starting to get on my nerves. Times like this, I don't know where to point the finger, but the murder plot is a mix of bad writing and bad acting. As far as I'm concerned, they can all go to jail. There's no one to emotionally invest in, not even the kid with the puppy dog eyes. He's

And they had her take it all off!

Most shows on HBO, AMC, and Showtime are American productions...

I think the most unbelievable part of this episode has been that a skyscraper has windows that open. Not plot device but this is where I can no longer suspend my disbelief.

I'm not lawyer, but I feel like it isn't protocol to show a sex tape being used as evidence in front of an entire office.

I loved when she put them in their place. Also, I liked Mellie explaining to her daughter the sexist double standards. If a woman uses sex to fill an emotional void or even just has sex for pleasure in general then it's degrading to her. Men, no matter what positive or negative motivations they have, are never

Loving the anti-slut shaming behavior from Olivia and Mellie tonight.

That's completely untrue. As Dr. Nerdlove just said, women are not a monolith.

How is it false hope?

I can't help but feel that most of the guys I meet in these circumstances, remain in these circumstances because of abnormally high (and hypocritical) standards. I have a friend who's never been in a relationship because, despite being obese himself, he seems to only like very skinny women. If this guy isn't going to

The fact that her practice in the show is made up of a majority of white men, I think, simply reflects reality.

I wish I lived in the area. I'd totally take the day off work for Dongmageddon.

I am actually shocked that they are having a problem. Who would go to that and not understand what they are going to be subjected to all damn day?

But the thing is, Lena's "brand" for lack of a better word is "trailblazing millennial feminist" while Mindy doesn't seem to really want to be the voice of her sex or race or generation. She's too concerned with just being funny, something Lena Dunham knows nothing about. I find Mindy to be more groundbreaking in this

I get why her show is more scrutinized than others - that's the downside of being the first of your kind.