
Hahaha oh man. This tweet. I can't. The level of humblebrag / judgeypants is almost overwhelming.

Right? As a pediatrician, my least favorite is when they claim that list includes being a "nurse" or a "pediatrician." No, you're not. It took us a lot of time and money and licensing to get those degrees. Putting a bandaid on a cut =/= health professional. STFU.

I call bullshit. I am 27 and the majority of my friends can put a fucking button on their shirt. I've dated several men who can mend their clothing as well. Is this really a thing? Or do I just make friends with vaguely creative/self sufficient people?

You are approaching this with a degree of level-headedness that is antithetical engagement season. Y U H8 LUV?

As any science gal would tell you, this bullshit suffers from serious selection bias. If you're in the kind of relationship where you are cooking semi-elaborate meals for your SO, and own the resources to prepare and serve this kind of meal, you are already part of a narrow demographic that is likely about to get

I feel the same way. I read his first book with mocking intentions, but was really surprised by his intellect and self awareness. His second book talks a lot about his relationship with KP and the fame whore thing, and his struggles with being sexually integrated. I didn't think I would like or respect him, but I

Going to say a couple of controversial things:

Apparently Russel Brand was entitled to 20million in the divorce and didn't take any of it. that's pretty decent of him.

I feel like this kind of attitude is what put her in this position in the first place...

Oh my gosh why waste even more money on making an even bigger mess? Laser that shit off girl. Trust.

I think it might help to tell him to notice when he feels defensive. Just, be aware of that feeling. Lean into it a little. What is that telling you? How do you feel in that moment?

It's funny, because I could say the same thing about men. Most of the men I've come across are looking for the 'hot, crazy, good in the sack' woman and completely ignore the women who are decent. They'll gladly continue dating the woman who spraypainted their car or broke into their house because she's 'hot and

I read this and your every response in a patronizing tone of voice with a faux-concerned head tilt because that is exactly how I envision you delivering it.

I would simply like to say that The Gilmore Girls is my most favorite-est show of all time.

might I suggest that you wouldn't have to worry about this bullshit so much if you ladies weren't obsessed with finding a "bad boy" and changing him.

Hey guys!

Oh, come on, dude. COME ON.

I'll never get over the fact that the patriarchy convinces people everyday that men are superior to women, but then turn around and say that they need to be "trained" for marriage by women, and they need to be "tamed" by women sexually because they're very sexual human beings and the poor poor menz can't help

"The fault here is any parent who doesn't feel this is essential training for boys, too. "

Me when I left my ex husband: I can't do this anymore.