
Now you all know the last time Jill Duggar menstruated. I'm so glad we had this little chat.

It was that front-hug at the airport. Jim Bob was right. He totally sullied her. It is the road to sin.

J-Law and Coldplay?! Noel is disappointed.

Truth. I think childhood crushes are also responsible for the Demi Moore Ashton Kutcher and (thankfully short-lived) Scarlett Johansson -Sean Penn couplings. I mean, if I had a chance to date Tori Amos or Johnny Depp, the fangirl in me would be happy to do so for an exciting whirlwind few months, until I one day was

Dating Chris Martin I can understand. But knowing all the lyrics to Coldplay songs? Some things are unforgivable....

I dunno, JLaw, this whole "Coldplay" thing is kind of a deal breaker. I... I don't think we can be besties anymore.

It's almost like women are diverse and have, as a group, an infinite variety of feelings and opinions! Why is that so tough for some people to swallow?

To add on, can we also please stop assuming that women who don't want to have children don't like kids? I love kids, they're great and I want to work with them professionally, but I don't want to go home to any. It's not at all contradictory.

I think that this is one of the strangest (albeit perhaps inevitable?) outcomes of widely available contraception and the notion that parenthood can be a choice, rather than a religious or societal duty. My grandparents' generation seems so different. I remember my dad talking about how nobody used to talk about how

I was talking to my future MIL about kids and I told her that we may consider adoption (we haven't broached the subject of maybe never having kids yet) and I mentioned that one reason is that I fear childbirth and being pregnant. She told me, "That's not a good enough reason to not have (biological) children." Uh... I

My grandmother had 12 children in the days before birth control, and regretted each one. She'd never wanted to get married and have kids. She always wanted to be a seamstress/clothing designer. She was physically and mentally abusive to her chindren. My mother remembers that the only thing she did that could be

Yesterday was my due date. Still no baby. It's been a hell of an interesting experience being pregnant in our society. Highlights include not being catcalled on the street, not that I enjoy strangers commenting on my pregnancy (some people just can't resist speaking out about a woman's appearance) but not being street

Also, I have no interest in stealing something I can buy. The only time I steal is when it's not available in my country. When it's available, I pick it up. (This is how I feel about television shows and movies, too).

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Signed - someone married to a songwriter.

Agreed. I'd rather even .00001% of my purchase go to some sound mixing guy than to say "Whatever, I'll just pirate it." As someone who works in the arts, I know a lot of people who are making cool stuff and should be paid like the professionals they are.

I'm an artist who has put out three records with major labels and independently and I buy music. I buy music because even if the artists are with majors, it's the money the majors make from Beyonce, Justin Bieber, Coldplay, Katy etc that funds the development of other artists. The big fish pay for the little fish, and

I buy all of my music on iTunes.

I buy/rent all of my media.

I do buy music. I'm a high-income adult and technically an officer of the court, and I don't buy so much music that it's any real chip out of my budget. It just seems sort of time consuming and petty to look around for torrents. I only buy digital music, though. CDs are too cluttery.

I do. I purchase both CDs and digital files off of iTunes. I'm 20. I don't know whats wrong with me. I like CDs because they are tangible and have pretty covers on them.