
"ABC has the uteran wall fortitude of a Duggar" just doesn't fit as well.

aw, I kinda love him on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me!

assists neglected Kenyan kids by providing food, housing, clothes and religion

I don't see why this is worse or more surprising than any other minister/priest/etc who sexually abuses children. I think predators in these types of situations do it for one of two reasons: (1) they sign up because they explicitly want easy access to children, or (2) they are deluded and think that if they dedicate

I'm not a fan of missionary work in general. It's too 17th century, "tame the savages" for me. The main mission is to impose a foreign belief system/religion on people under the guise of helping them. A completely scuzzy relic of a time we should be trying to get past.

The math nerds are waiting for next year: 3/14/15.

Just in time for him to marry a third wife on 08/08/08!

Of course this is just in the US because everyone else thinks 12/13/14 is an invalid date.

I don't know anything about the Beyonces but I feel this way about the Clintons. I have no doubt that they love each other deeply and are great friends. I bet they even have hot sex once in awhile. But I think it's a partnership that they entered into knowing that they'd make good partners, more than out of a romantic

It is strange how the description evolved from "close friends at Winterkewl games" to "We met Kris and trusted his qualifications and assertions that we could trust him with our brand."

One day I was sitting on the bus behind a girl with headphones on with a guy started calling her "Blondie," and just generally telling her how he'd like to get to know her. He wasn't particularly crude about it, but it was clear his attention was unwelcome. But he kept trying, and she kept replying in monosyllables

I'm good with melted (but still cold) ice cream. It's like a milkshake in a bowl. The real menace is re-frozen melted ice cream.

You're saying that because you don't understand how life began, there must be a creator. This is the same as someone not understanding how the sun rises, and saying there must be a chariot that pulls it through the sky. You have leapt to a conclusion without any evidence.

No, "something" did not have to create the "cosmos." Just because you don't understand or can't comprehend how our universe started doesn't mean creating some mythological omnipotent creative being makes more sense or is true. It's ok not to know, not to have all the answers, and not to understand. Atheists tend to

Isn't it scary though, that some people assume that the only thing keeping people from raping and killing each other is a belief in a Big Disciplinarian in the Sky?

I am an atheist and after seeing what some of them did in Uganda I agree that Evangelicals should get a low rating... perhaps a negative number.

Consider taking the meds just for a limited period of time. Being able to break out of the cycle of anxiety and despair may be enough to help you develop the skills to be able to deal with them and the belief that you can overcome them. However, you should probably do it under the care of a psychiatrist, who will

what gets me is that people say her husband "allowed" her to do it. Fuck that noise. It is a decision you should make together, and decide what is best for both of you. But to insinuate that the husband has to have the final say, that he "allows" it? Fuck. If my boyfriend said he "forbid it" for our kid to have my

I find it amazing that you learned how to get high from a children's book.