
Or, as she says in the post, she's working a lot and very tired. And "I'm exhausted," "You're too drunk", and "I'm a little tender from yesterday" are damn valid excuses. The type of person who passive-aggressively makes excel charts and flings it in someone's face before they go on a business trip is probably not the

I'm sure it doesn't matter in a world where Zayn Malik can shit out a baby.

I imagine that Ryan Murphy will show the same care and sensitivity towards people born with crippling disabilities that he showed towards the mentally ill and, you know, fucking slavery.

Ok, I'm kind of out of breath and I think I just bought a Jaguar. I don't know what's happening.

Yeah, I mean. It´s not good. It´s really not good that Braff punched a kid — or beat him up? I refuse to watch Punk´d — but I think that criticism seems more rooted in jealousy or class warfare. People seem to find it intolerable that Zach Braff owns a Porsche. But honestly, if you spent $100,000 on a car, wouldn´t

You never split your rent/mortgage payment with your wife?

My vote is- if someone smacks you in the genitals, you have a free pass. I didn't watch the video though, because I was worried I might be subjected to Tim McGraw's music.

I am lots of things...nice, mean, proud, humble...depending on the situation. This is just something I happen to be super proud graduating college are getting my first job! I might rethink my frankness if it made my fiancé uncomfortable..but he is proud of me too! It makes me feel powerful/capable to do

From what I know, if it's an essential part of the employment (super obvious example, asking a potential Catholic school teacher if she's Catholic) then employers can ask about religious beliefs. I think that employees can ask about any religious beliefs of the company as a whole without restriction. Might make for an

I would assume it'll be higher, because it's preventative care. Health insurance companies WANT women to take birth control. Birthing babies is expensive.

Okay so you have to provide a W2 with your tax return. That proves who you work for. If a company is opting out of providing birth control, they have to register with the government. Then any one who works for Hobby Lobby, a Catholic school, etc can deduct 100% of the cost of birth control on their tax return.

Good reporting, but check your geography. A boat trip originating in Nashville would not end up in the middle of the ocean.

I use scrunchies to put my hair up at night after I shower, because they don't give you that weird bump the way regular hair ties do.

Thank you! She's in the "smell the farts" acting school, courtesy of Joey Tribiani.

I have Blast Plus from Comcast, just standard def box (HBO Go streams in HD). After tax it's $66 for the promo, something like $80 afterward.

Holy crap. Sometimes kids have to learn that others, even their own siblings get to do things or have things that they do not. It is part of life. Early on I established the rule that the kids could tell me why they were upset, why they disagreed with me or whatever but they could not use their siblings name in any

You cannot keep things equal. It will not happen. My parents did their best to try and keep things equal between my brother and I but we are two differnt people who needed differnt things. Just teach them what's equal isn't always fair and what's fair isn't always equal.

You are why we need negative stars.

I'm a mathematician. I used to be gender-female but I did transgender and am now completely male-identified (with papers to prove it, ha!) I can assure you that the worlds are completely different (male vs female), especially in STEM fields. Before I FTM'ed, I was ignored, my opinions in math and educational matters

Emily Graslie is amazing. It always breaks my heart when women pull away from the spotlight because of the deluge of crappy misogynist comments they receive just because they're women being women in public. I hope that doesn't happen to Emily. Not gonna lie, though, I'm a little worried she's going to get a lot more