
@NiTeShADe: The world isn't fair. Survival of the fittest. Humans need to evolve again in some form of another. Heinous things happen all over the world outside of most peoples control. Why send computers to a place that is just going to destroy most of them when we can send it to other nations that will actually get

Here is an idea, maybe the world should stop "gifting" these items and let them take care of themselves?

@MrCheatachu: True. Very good point. Still annoying to think about.

@zimbabwaenquadrillionare: Ive been loyal to apple since their system 7 OS. I'm going to give it one more shot to wow me because it's been soooo many years. But android is looking real good to me these days.

@zimbabwaenquadrillionare: Yeah it just sucks because I have a decent amount of money in iPhone apps and I feel they are wayyyyy better at this point in time compared to android. I'll give it till iPhone 5 to see if I can get more of a desktop experience/feel like on android. I really love the galaxy S skin on

This is going to get very annoying before it ever gets interesting.

Not a big fan of android phones myself but this one is definitely nice. Android is finally getting to the point where I'd actually almost consider ditching my iPhone 4.

@ddhboy: Atleast they aren't as fuzzy with their figures as msnbc IMO. I find fox news and CNN to be a lite more realistic even with their fuzzy figures.

@archetype94306: I think akarpens is right. Reguardless of political preference we need to really prioritize and I think dial up for these folks will work just fine for a little while longer.

@godawgs7: I'm not totally against the ideas, but right now in the current economic state we are in the Feds should have more critical things to worry about. When the economy is healthier (hopefully in the near future... Hopefully!!) then push this. That's basically what I'm trying to get at. I'm not saying to stop

@godawgs7: Which, with all due respect, I still think is outright BS that with all that's going on, hardworking people have to pay so much for so very few to have Internet. It would take years for those subscribers (considering many are possibly impoverished) to replenish the funds that this cost and by then cost of

It's not the governments responsibility IMO. And tax payer money should not go into helping isp's. I don't want a telecom version of "governments motors". It's simply unacceptable in my view. Why should tax payers cough up cash for these companies to bring 20th century services to poor and rural areas when there are

@leaderbuilder: Dude most people aren't like us man! They aren't nerds that appreciate those things. Most people I know and meet have no idea what a rom is. Calm down man, it's just cellphones and general discussion here, we aren't knocking Any ones religion.

@cocomojoe2: one thing to point out is that most people that buy these think a boot loader is probably a fancy shoe horn for boots. They don't really know nor care what open source truly means, they simply take the sales reps word for it when they are in the store.

@Bs Baldwin: Some hackers I suppose that uploaded his app to some server and rooted phones can download them from this other 3rd party app portal.

@JAlexoid: it may happen but I have a few friends that develop in both platforms and they say that apple app store pays way more. Android market no where near as profitable for them and they get mad because apparently they've seen a lot of piracy with their app on android somehow. Android market has lots of potential

@Bs Baldwin: But yet they are still considered a hardware tech company.

@Bs Baldwin: Correct but their dependence is on hardware. If they don't sell hardware they go down. Microsoft is a software company, they exist to sell licenses of their software. Apples revenue stream is from hardware regardless how important the software is to the hardware. If they don't sell physical hardware

@abadpun: Valid points, but that Alone isn't enough to guarantee their doom. Remember they've spent most of true existence not being market share leaders and they make

@Bs Baldwin: Apple isn't a software company, They are a hardware company. For that reason they haven't lost. Software is huge in selling their hardware don't get me wrong but at the end of the day they make ther money actually selling te hardware Mac machines included.