
I've determined long ago the best way for me was to simply use cash...... It's still accepted everywhere and you don't pay a fee when you take your money out of your bank's ATM machines. It also ensures more privacy because no system is logging what you are spending your own hard earned money on and where. Call me

A few years ago during my undergrad at Northeastern University , we'd play Counter Strike during boring social science electives like sociology but had to pay close attention to engineering classes like circuit theory and digital systems because well, you couldn't not pay attention lol. So in all i think it basically

It's not impossible to think they don't have a magnetic field of their own. And who knows what types of other life forms can truly exist in space. As far as i'm concerned we know very little about that.

NBC sucks anyways!!

I must say that in my area, my iphone 4 on at&T works well now-a-days (strong emphasis on "NOW", it wasn't so great before.)

@jchen1: Please go here:

I just read a bunch of stuff on Nikola Tesla and from what I've learned he had an idea to make a craft that hovers and operates just like modern UFO's. In fact, there are people that said it would have taken 30-60 years to perfect the technology and interestingly enough the timing just about adds up. I would too if they actually had any service in my neighborhood :-(

I didn't know what the internet was until junior high in 1997 when i 14. It's just amazing how far things have come along.

They probably were look at the GPS the entire time instead of the road. They probably figured that somehow the GPS would auto-pilot their car for them somehow.

omg! i'd never fucking leave!!! I pray that's a Sniper's home office...

something tells me he just smoked way too much pot and accidentally thought the bottom of the couch was a big bong!

i wonder what the ideal people to tree ratio should really be?

All these companies rip each other off all the time. I'm not surprised by this at all.

In my case, AT&T suddenly became perfect here in my part of Boston after years of crappy performance in my area to the north just outside the city. I think its because of the iphone coming to verizon but i could be very wrong on that one.

I'm pretty sure this technology can work. In fact i'm sure I've read about this in an engineering journal somewhere 5 years ago and i think its very plausible with this application.... just requires a lot of power. AC POWER MUAHAHAHA!!!

@samarkand: Rape culture 101..... More like common sense 101. You seem intelligent therefore I gigot doubt you'd be victim to this guy which to me clearly illustrates how these girls had this coming eventually. I'm glad nothing physically harmed them, but maybe they needed a harsh lesson in web security.

@ThePriceofEggsinMalta: It's all good, and I hope you receive a picture of some weirdo from Montana sending you a picture of his buffalo bill !! Haha

@ScaryMerry: Fair enough and I understand what you are saying with that respect, however what they've effectively done is install the amber room inside a back yard shed with a combunation lock. These people didn't deserve this because they are bad people. They deserved this because they didn't protect something

@ScaryMerry: the physical of action Rape is completely unrelated to leaving your items susceptible. Its more like someone left the key to his/her apartment under her door mat. Quality security huh??