
See you should have just bought a joojoo! Just kidding!

@Dunadan: Exactly! Couldn't have said it better myself! Some on here would pass up sex with a hot chick just to get in a scarring word over which smartphone is better.

It's never too late. Android is inevitably going to be number one in market share and it deserves to be because it's a good OS and it runs on very nice phones. But just because Android gains market share doesn't mean that apple lost. Android can be the market share leader and apple still do incredibly well and still

He reminds me of steve jobs lite in that picture.

I'm starting to get the sense that working for hp really sucks. Even the CEO hates it.

@William Jones: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but the win phone 7 colors with the white background look 90's to me.

Wow. The white background makes the UI look so dull and ugly to me. Black should be the requirement.

That's how you know something is wrong in our society. Discrimination against preferred mobile gadgetry. Where is the ACLU when you really need them?

I think many of you are missing the underlying point that war and the casualties of it are completely unnecessary. No one IMO should die by the hands of another, but it happens and it's a very sad reality. None of those people deserved to die that way and the same goes for many of the people that died in pearl

@nikefreak252: Yeah I bought three when I was in Vermont.

I'll stick with my 3ft tall solar-charged night time lawn gnomes.

Hopefully we can colonize mars now!

Ohhh balmer! You know what needs to be done but yet you never help make it happen! Bring bill back!!

@Alex.HQuest: It's just a basic 2d view of all sides with dimensions. Why the scrutiny.

They did a good job with displaying the dimensions, nice and neat. I hate when I get a drawing at work and the dimensions are laid out all over the damn place.

If Russian spies use facebook then terrorists must all have you tube video blogs. I'm starting to think evil geniuses of the world have lost their ever loving mind when it comes to social networking. If you're being evil or covert it's probably best not to blog or socially network to the rest of the world and let them

@JakeMG: Ω Man: It looks great in person. The galaxy S is the only phone I thought was even close to my retina display and had great viewing angles. Also amoled worked very well outside like my iPhone 4 which is great. Hopefully slcd won't suck outside.

IMO amoled looks far superior and is the better screen all around in this comparison. But for most people I'm sure super LCD will be fine. I'm very spoiled after using my retina display for a little while now and hate most other mobile screens.