
It's always been my theory that innovation and new technologies are created because of the seeds early sci-fi novels put in scientists, engineers, and designers heads. It's almost as if thing are developed on a per generation as if ideas in a book or movie now will inspire someone someday to do something amazing

It's a sterling engine or a haynes hot air engine thats non-typically crafted with a strong emphasis on piston modeling. IMO this guy just re-invented the wheel, but it's still a wheel even though it looks different. Still pretty cool unit though. Kudos to him for creating it.

I love my leather man CHARGE. Best knife I've ever owned. Seconded only by my scuba pro dive knife.

I love watching lightning, however it always terrifies me when watching it and I always fear getting struck by it especially when driving.

@crd22: In all fairness htc can be accused of making many of those "me-too's" you speak of.

Is it me or do those snap shots of the live phone make windows phone 7 look kind of ugly and dull? I could have sworn it looked much nicer and less plain in the reviews. What happened here?

I'm hoping this does well for msft. Even though many can call me an apple loyalist/ borderline fanboy I think it's great they are unifying all their engineers to focus on it and really make it a core of the company. That way it'll work well with other future msft products. Brilliant idea.

@Faxmonkey: I'm sure next week you'll be the first person outside trying dry your hair with a blow dryer on a sunny day.

@Tony Bologna: Dont need to there is nothing ironic about grown adults wasting perfectly good electricity with a blowdryer to try and make a statement. They are as bad as the people they are at war with. Ok, mr sandwich meat?

@animeman59: They are hypocrites that have become a non-satanic anti-Christian religion. They are the pots that are crazy enough to call the kettles black.

@tylerbrainerd: The bible is old and outdated. Modern Christians can only understand it from a small looking glass with preachers telling them what it means. Who even knows if half the content is original or how much has been modified over the centuries and lost in translation. So holding certain passages against

@stifflittlefinger: Do you not realize that's the point I was making all along about fanatacism in all the sarcasm I was laying out?? I've not said anything about eternal damnation. In fact I even said I wasn't very religious at all and believed in evolution. Either you accidentally replied to me with what you said or

@Carrion3: Yes but atheists that do that have a tendency to think they are smarter and wiser and know better than those they're fighting against and yet they particate in something they should consider illogical. Guilt to both sides.

@stifflittlefinger: The organization of like minded atheists that seem to want to spread atheism and covert believers into non-believers.

@johnnyabnormal: Yes and the blue pill is yummier than the red one.

@stifflittlefinger: Yes.... But that's where faith supposedly comes in and allows suicide bombers a clear conscience.

@XboxBuckeye: Im actually not very christian myself nor religious but I was trying to share my opinion that both sides can be fanatical and both perceive themselves to b the good guy.