I have two recommendations:
I have two recommendations:
My mind is blown. How do the Yanks manage this long with only 2 peanut butter cups?
This blows me away that A&W Canada isn’t the same company as A&W USA. A&W breakfasts are amazing and they are a favorite of my family. The best thing about A&W remains that they chill their rootbeer and serve it in glass mugs, with no ice. This is what drinking soda is supposed to be like.
This is all messed up: The correct answer is gravy! Get down with the brown.
I have to say that nearly everything on that list works perfectly within pre-existing monster rules. Cloakers have been around since forever and they’re freak’n manta rays that pretend to be capes. You gonna tell me that a Hatfright is too weird for you? It probably comes as 3 scalable varieties: Dunce-cap,…
That film is way too influential for just a common cartoon. Me and my Ma still joke about stuff from that movie, especially the pig family.
Christmas is the time for Trolling. We give gifts wrapped with fake labels to mess with each other.
As a Canadian, we received a far superior version of Pops cereal, which was the best part of breakfast until I was old enough to cook bacon.
Here’s a good slogan: Vote for Congemi, so he can take care of this town like it was his own mother.
It was a skillful way to handle a complex issue like race. There’s no need for slurs or big dramatic racist gestures because movies are a visual media and its enough to show the discord between Cooper, a stereotypical middle class white and Ben to comment on greater relations in the US. The gentle touch is helpful…
Illegal or not, it makes no difference. The only issue is if Congress will actually enforce the laws and they have proven time and again that they will not.
Why, why, why do so many songs by female pop artists have to feature crap-tastic rap artists?
Who’d a thunk that tax payers would rather see their money spent on useful things than for putting people into jail?
Wait, someone in favor of Brexit is a racist? [Monocle drops]
Given the uneven load on this guy’s frame, he better walk with a limp or be carrying some ballast or something. Every time he throws a punch he’ll fall off balance or something.
Yeah, but all our supervillians are super chill. The closest we got to a good spy thriller was when Mr. Maple-leathal threatened to activate his Deadly Double-Double on the UN if the world didn’t adopt universal health care. No one tried to stop him, so he gave up.
What do you get when you take a heavy armoured suit, put rollerblades underneath it and add a chaingun? Comedy gold!
Why the heck would anyone commit to running any kind of vehicle, to say nothing of a combat jet, for forty frick’n years!
This is all very humiliating for us Canadians in general, and Ontario residents in particular. We all have to deal with wait times, and its all the worse to think that the system’s being jammed with a moron bigot. This particular fool from the top of the article is a general pain in the community’s butt. There are…
He’re killing the ocean, so this is her telling us to eat a bag of dicks.