Isaiah Tanenbaum

Lyanna. Ned's sister is Lyanna.

Ooooh, yeah it's a tv show with magic and stuff, you're so goddamned smart and definitely the first person to make that observation.

They haven't gotten to that point in the books yet. In the books, she just got done being blind, managed to kill a crooked insurance salesman as instructed, and was then assigned to follow a theatrical troupe.

also, you know, clinton lost. she is not the president right now.

because we have no way to verify if any claim re: clinton in the emails is true. however, trump jr, manafort, and kuschner attending a meeting with the intent of collecting intel from a foreign power is (no longer) in dispute, nor is there any dispute over the fact that they've been lying about it for a year.

Depending on your definition of regent, yes. As I recall he still had to work to convince SR to agree to various things, which implies that ultimate power to govern is still held in SR's person, not just his name. I suspect, though, that LF has been spending his off-screen time working SR into handing over more power

curse you, winter!

regency works however the local laws say it works. we already saw, in the example of theon, a person step out of the line of succession due to inability to produce an heir; it's hardly inconceivable that bran (who is a child anyway) would be seen as a less than legal/desirable heir. and we all know that less than

that bugged me so much. like, if you want to just injure her enough that it seems dangerous, only for her to recover with decent but medieval actor-level care, give her a really ugly cut on an extremity that just won't stop bleeding, or even a good solid chest slash.

sir pounce will rise, stronger and more adorable than before

first prize is the iron throne
second prize is a set of valyrian steak knives
third prize is death

still rowing. he'll get to that rock any day now.

also, considering his physical state likely precludes producing an heir, and his youth, it would hardly be difficult for her to claim "regency" until his passing (timely or otherwise), whereupon her children would inherit anyhow, so she's as good as the heir even if he did show up.

yeah but nobody KNOWS that and he's still well to the north of the wall. so, as far as westeros is concerned, she's the heir.

mummie always loved him best

since nobody has seen bran or rickon alive since theon took over (and now one of them is very definitely dead), and arya is younger (and also MIA from westeros since her dad took it in the neck), sansa is the last surviving legitimate stark in the world, as far as anyone knows.

you forgot "emmys"

the one where the resulting intel would have put the possible future president of the united states in a position to be beholden to foreign nationals is worse.

…yet. It isn't one of them YET.

In the email chain that, again and unbelievably, Trump Jr himself posted today, the source for the damaging info is "Russia's Crown Prosecutor". Crown Prosecutor is a British term that means a prosecutor that works for the government; "the" Crown Prosecutor would be the equivalent of the nation's attorney general.