Isaiah Tanenbaum

this is wonderful

How about Bashir offering, in his one moment of the episode, to just totally chuck doctor-patient confidentiality out the airlock to spy on the alien during a checkup, and just getting totally shut down? Haha, screw you Season 1 Bashir. (bonus: the moment in the previous episode where he's fanboying over the "genius"

Yes, that makes sense.

1) I assumed Maria cut the fence hole while Gloria was getting Luschek. She stole her plan, because that's what Maria does.

Larry-Kool Aid Man OTP

yeah, it was just a lousy coincidence. I almost wish that she went to the place on the map, saw nobody, and was disappointed, only to stumble on them on the way back or whatever. but i'm assuming that the struggle will bring the bunker ladies poking their heads out to help red overpower piscatella.

yes, seems like they're setting up for there to be a breakdown with latina crew (mad over daya getting sold out, even if it was ultimately her choice) vs black crew (mad about the latinas failing suzanne). meanwhile everyone's out of food and places to poop. someone's demand won't get met and then it's chaos.

i think that was one of the flaritzas

yes, GOT producers have talked about how crazy expensive it is to render new versions of the credits, so they have to fudge things sometimes.

i mean, sophia did basically just stroll out of medical right to the parking lot because of her scheduling conflict — i mean, uh, her search for sister engalls — so maybe? but that seems like a pretty significant failure on the part of bianca to secure the exists, then.

it honestly would not surprise me at all if Boo paid them a few starbursts to stage that entire scene.

yeah they really should have given her a post-episode credit instead.

or he's lying.

well, he is FUCKED in terms of his snacking combo: he totally forgot the salty. so there's that.

for their footlockers, i assumed

I will cop to a lack of studio knowledge, but I object to the claim that I lack musical knowledge based, it seems, solely on my dismissal of PS as (great) pop ephemera. In fact, I majored in music composition, and I've written and music-directed and covered my share of work over the years. To the extent that we are

Fair enough on "Let's Go Away" — it's pretty bold to throw a pure instrumental tribute to Burt Bacharach onto an otherwise vocal pop album (that sounds sarcastic but it's not!).

I'll join the chorus that says that Sgt Pepper is not nearly as great as Rubber Soul or Abbey Road. But it's STILL a country mile better than the same-y pop gooeyness of the Beach Boys.

yep, totally. taking three minutes to power the emotional core of the main character for the entire rest of the remaining 1:50 of running time (and the full length of the sequel, too, for that matter!) was a huge mistake. what the hell was james gunn thinking???

I think seeing the amazons fight on the beach, and then just treat him like dirt until he left, probably dismantled a lot of his assumptions. even so, he still tried to protect her in the alley (until the moment when she protected him from the bullet).