Isaiah Tanenbaum

if you give GotG anything less than an 8 i think the only "objective" thing that can be said about your opinions is that you hate fun.

the things that make this movie great are very much worth talking about. the things that drag it down — that dumb fight at the end, mostly — are not.

yeah, i was not at all prepared for how emotional that was. pixar, i can get myself ready for. emotion during a DC superhero film? unheard of.

hell, even Toy Story 2 (which was also after Bug's Life) is fantastic — so good that it escaped direct-to-video for a theatrical release — and the "when she loved me" sequence taught Pixar that making grown-ups cry was a sure way to emotional storytelling success.

Yeah, this was pre-Monsters/Nemo/Incredibles, when Pixar was just some company making above-average animated movies. Their reputation as unimpeachable masters of the form didn't really come in until that run of three, which was followed (after Cars), with Ratattoille, Wall-E, Up, and TS3.

I think because people forget The Good Dinosaur even happened. I myself had forgotten about it until you mentioned it. I suspect it will slip away from my consciousness the moment I close this browser tab, like those bad guys in Doctor Who that you can only remember when you're looking right at them.

whyyyyy do you neeed it?


that's entirely too many condiments.


Near mint. Slight foxing around the edges.

i have a ridiculously comfortable terrycloth robe in a play right now, and i'm strongly considering stealing it when we close.

lots of planets have a great white north

I don' think that's fair to Cruise. I saw his interview on The Daily Show, live (it was one of Stewart's last interviews). One thing that's instantly clear about him — and others have said this as well — is that he is just having the best time of his life, every second he's on set. He's doing exactly what he wants to

well, sure, but not as much, was my point. now people, especially movie stars, usually get another ten+ years. they're all in much better shape and they don't drink like fish and smoke like chimneys.

true but not so much at 58 these days.

Letting her father's stutter slip into his mockery was so far over the line.

Careful, Bucky, 501(c)(3)s can't campaign. You might need to refile as a 501(c)(4), but if you do that, most of the contributions you receive will NOT be tax deductible.

that's true. excellent pacing for sure!

Over Wrath of Khan? I dunno. It's really solid, though, definitely one of the top two ST films (I put First Contact at a close third).