Isaiah Tanenbaum

australia. but you know, it has australians, so.

i'm certain that's what this was all about. poor, poor christie. in any other era his aggressive patronage would assure him a spot in some future corrupt administration for his party. today, his only hope is that trump is elected president so he can be captain of the titanic's deck chairs.

Yeah, I'm gonna have to disagree with you there. And I, like Dims, supported Bernie. Sure, there are plenty of Hillary supporters who have been waiting, dreaming, for this moment, and frankly after seeing the shitshow this year from the men, I can hardly blame them.

Jordan is good, Roy is fine, Jessica is young but has potential, the others are non-entities, and Ronny is gratingly unfunny, like that guy in your college class who thinks he is much more hilarious than he actually he is.

I mean, yeah, but at the same time if there was a reason to investigate and they didn't, and then something happened, we would be all over the feds for failing to follow up on leads. It'd be "Bin Laden Determined to Attack US" all over again.

definitely Sex and the City; it was rerun constantly on, I think, TBS for years.

that's a valid distinction, and much in line with my own. let them fight, the starks will return! so long as davos and tyrion make it out ok, which they do.

Oh, totally. I can always go to facebook to see my friends go "wow, great battle shots!" And I do! I come here for that in-depth analysis from someone with a little more professional distance, and I'll keep coming back. I don't need, or want, a critic to feel exactly the same things that I do.

I wonder if it has to do with reviewers just seeing a lot more stuff than even a fairly culture-heavy viewer. I really reacted to all the sturm and drang, and multiple times during the battle felt like this was like nothing else on TV. And I stand by that.

IRON ISLANDS: I guess we sow, now?

I recommend reading the article associated with that picture. In part:

not really, though. In Marathon they simply overwhelmed the superior numbers by being better armored and massing at the flanks. There was no false retreat as at Canae.

he didn't WANT to, though. his plan was for jon to be out there, all alone, staring death in the face and realizing he put his own dumb ass there to get trampled like a chump — or just surrounding everyone for some cannae-style slaughtering (which is what was happening until the knights ex machina showed up).

Canae was ALSO what Jon and Davos were planning in the tent the night before — a weak middle that would intentionally give way, allowing for an encirclement. It got turned around on them because Jon ran out into arrowsville to try to rescue his brother.

to be clear, that's not the ENTIRETY of legos. i've also taught an amazing lego robotics club to older kids, where you make a robot to tackle challenges and whatever else. it's pretty great and decidedly non-gendered.

i'm with you on the minecraft thing, but hey, that's corporate synergy for you. people like things that they know.

not these days!

In Canada it's ALWAYS still the 90's.

Cersei can't die until Tommen does. She has to see all her kids dead, just like the old gypsy woman said.