Isaiah Tanenbaum

It's not in the same league as Ledger's work, but Robert Downey in, of all things, Iron Man 3 is doing some really interesting stuff. Check out his interactions with the kid.

so with you. i can't stand that mediocre, meandering piece of pseudo-philosophy and boring teen angst. good music though.

What's actually a little frustrating about all this is that it would have been easy to give the mutineers reasonable justification by incorporating the Pink Letter into the show. After all, in the show, Sansa is being abused by Ramsay, and Ramsay is a paranoid, sadistic freak who would both enjoy taunting Jon and

you're right. Bowen Marsh is the one who leads the mutiny in the books; Alliser is off ranging, grumbling about it all the way.

There were also some really obvious Ontario plates in the car that picked up Kira a few episodes ago.

oh right. I had "Arya" originally, but then the show got me all mixed up. CURSE YOU SEMI-OVERLAPPING NARRATIVES

they'll cover that in the dead pool post later this week.

Danarys Targaryen, Stormborn, Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains, Wearer of Cute Flirty Tops

All that would be true IF you ignore the freaking zombie army set to bear down on the wall and completely overwhelm the meager defenders of the Night's Watch, growing its numbers with any Wildlings encountered along the way. Jon's plan added to the defenders while simultaneously denying the enemy numbers, and until

Can we all take a moment to appreciate that "Illusions" theme from the documentary, though? That's some straight-up, uncut 80's gold.

100 bonus points to the foley artist for Anonymous Smartass' death scene. The sound effect went from pee-on-cobblestones to pee-on-plate-armor as he turned around. Hilarious.

didn't last season open with a straight-up flashback, though? cersei remembering that time she got bad news from the witch.

Good eye! Yes, IMDB confirms that's Jean Yoon, who played Captain Yao.

the tar was poured out of barrels of exactly plot-sized gallons. :)

To be fair, though, that wasn't a Roddenberry episode, and it was a product of a lot of back and forth between the writer, who wanted to push for a harder Vietnam allegory, and the network execs, who did NOT want that.

Roddenberry, sadly, had to die for Trek to achieve its full measure of greatness. There are numerous stories of how he stymied writers in the first two seasons of TNG by refusing to allow any conflict between the officers. Once he passed away, TNG was able to reach its full potential, and DS9 was allowed to go to

That's "A Private Little War". It has one of the best ending lines of the series, too. On deciding to beam down 100 flintlocks to keep the balance of power, Kirk corrects himself and says "one hundred serpents. serpents for the garden of eden."

Agent Inmy Mancave

It's the phone with the info that could lead to the guy who attacked Havelock (his partner). Jared Harris handed it to him in the bar.