Isaiah Tanenbaum

or just a this-timeline Mountain Goats song.

it was Jon himself who picked and groomed Noah, apparently.

Stewart wasn't a very good interviewer at first, either. You are right that it takes a really long time. I hope Noah gets there.

I mean, I'd be really happy to have Oliver at the Daily Show desk, sure. He did a phenomenal job that one summer and it was so, so easy to see how he could do that forever.

if only you lived in a magical future world where the answer to any question you could possibly imagine was but a single typed sentence away.

then you will definitely love this film

it's brief and rather funny. don't let it dissuade you.

A few of my friends created Lord of the Catan, which combined army units from Lord of the Rings Risk with the Knights part of the Cities and Knights expansion of Catan.

Also important: being willing to get rules wrong on your first play. You're going to mess things up, but if you slow to a crawl every time a question comes up people get bored. Just do your best and move forward.

I just saw this film in NYC (SAG screening) at the 70mm City Cinemas 1-2-3 on the Upper East Side. It was GLORIOUS*. Definitely travel in for it if you need to.


Different trap, in the book it's a net that held him in place as the tar wave advanced. They try to shoot the cables but they are too strong and they have to leave him. The books had more pods (everybody in the squad dies from a different one) and could afford to describe each one.

i mean, don't get me wrong, i'm super glad i saw snowpiercer, it was fun and the production design was great, but in retrospect it didn't have a heck of a lot of new things to say and the whole thing made more sense as an allegory than as any kind of believable world, plot, or collection of human characters. but it's

i think the book lets you think for a while that maybe that one moment we're all talking around was what it appeared to be, but the movie comes down real hard from the start on how it was definitely this one person, and here's the how and why.

he has a few nice scenes, actually. he's playing a soldier so he's not exactly going to be Mr. Expressive, but he gets the job done. really, though, there's not a lot of emoting happening here in climax-land — everybody is on a mission.

sure it is! which trap didn't you get? the tar thing (which is actually nanites, if memory serves)? or the insta-disintigrators as they escaped the sewers (which just zap you dead)?

Well I never thought we were supposed to assume that. Just that her apartment is established as being in HK and, presumably, many of the things she's doing are in that area as well.

yes, it does; apparently episode 11 establishes that her apartment is on west 46th street.

Yes you are right. They have traditionally been five but GoT was 6. I meant to say that the final episode has dropped so that now I can play without waiting eight weeks for the finale.