Isaiah Tanenbaum

So far he is a terrible human, and there is a (mostly off screen) torture sequence in Ep 2, but it's not extended the way it was on the show.

I just might!

side note: hey Forresters, Mira can't do shit to help you. She's a handmaid surrounded by enemies. Stop trying to get her to do every little errand for the family. (with that said I love Mira, something of a Book 2-era Sansa, but with Book 5 agency).

As is my tradition with Telltale games, I am playing Game of Thrones now that Ep 5 dropped, one episode per night. So far I'm two in and enjoying the crunchy narrative. I feel like everything is a risk, which is rare in a TT game. That twist at the end of 1 really did a great job throwing me out of my complacency in

i think about two or three years. obviously that's complicated by Carl's obviously teenage actor, but you could just say that he was a young-looking twelve year old, and is now an old-looking fifteen-year-old.

that is totally valid. I haven't rewatched any episodes but it's totally possible. I just remember being bored by Ward and how they tried so hard to make Ward/Skye a thing so I didn't put a lot of weight in his fighting style because I was just so bored by the character. May's style has always been pretty clean

I don't think that they are mutually exclusive. Within the movieverse, the only part of Hydra that matters has been the line founded by Red Skull, which infiltrated SHIELD until the events of The Winter Soldier. The Avengers are now a more or less private superhero group, though they are still taking out the last few

cue Sarah McLaughlin as Daisy axes Coulson and sends him through the portal to the hell planet.

That questioning glance Rosalind Price gave him about the ax, and his silent response of "yes, that's the one that cut off my hand", were some A-level examples of subtext acting. Great work by both actors.

yes, but he also said that he was closely associated with the US president in some official capacity (something like assistant to the chief of staff, i think?), so it could have been in that role that he sat on the council.

i don't think that the series itself treats the fitz/simmons will-they/wont-they with the centrality that the promos do. in much the way that an upworthy video will have a misleading headline to get you to click, so too do ABC promos shoot for a very particular audience they are trying to grow (and, to continue the

that whole plan was so dumb it was great. also, bobbi, maybe grab your briefcase if you need to step out for a second and go exploring? you know, the one with your fighty sticks that you're DEFINITELY gonna need desperately if you get cornered all by yourself?

Oh, you want impact in a May fight?

to be fair, there's nothing at all like those fights on tv right now.


"that's for never taking out the garbage!"

some might even say you have a blinds…. <sunglasses> spot

check out Kaila Stern's recaps on io9, endlessly entertaining.

another key difference: uhtred's hair is real and it is FABULOUS.

i mean sure, as we can see he's tough on crime.