Isaiah Tanenbaum

plus, uhtred is waaaaaay more tolerant of foreigners

yeah, she's really solid in this one and her character has a number of careful, nuanced turns.

Sorry AA, this is a totally excellent review but I think you got your notes mixed up on this fact. I just came from a screening and during that conversation they were concerned about the Herald, not the Phoenix — Ruffalo's character even mentions the Herald guy sniffing around the hearing.

The AV Club
a gaping whole

historically, Guthram sticks around for many years. It's interesting that Ubba goes before he does, that's not usually how this sort of revenge narrative works, but I guess it'll actually go DOWN the line rather than up, and end with Ragnar's killers actually put to justice.

himym was brilliant until that last 10 minutes. they set up jokes and runners that they never paid off until YEARS later.

Ætheling is the heir to a Saxon king. German speakers will recognize it as related to "adel"; "noble"; fans of The Sound of Music might recall the song Edelweiss, about the "noble white" flower that is a symbol of Austria.


that's no choice, she'll just kill him. just the other week she was threatening to murder him if he even so much as mentioned that she knew how to use a gun. obviously that was at least partly for effect but given the way the lizzie story ended we know she won't hesitate to kill a kid that she saw as a threat.

Am I the only one who wonders if Captain Astronaut Mike Dexter was just another way for the planet to mess with Simmons? Whether he was actually never real, or was manipulated in some way, this whole episode had "impossible fantasy" written all over it.

The fact that it's called "4,722 Hours" and that she was gone for 6 months should let you know, roughly, what any number on that timeline should mean for her, with no more specific sense than she would have without the sun. The whole point of the episode is that "days" have little to no meaning.

man, getting eyeliner tattoo would SUCK

i mean, he didn't even alphabetize her board games by designer. THAT MONSTER.

I will give you this, though, an episode where Randy gets shamed by each level of the Whole Foods staff would probably have been just as funny. You get a plot similar to the one where the boys tried to get their ticket money back from Mel Gibson for The Passion of the Christ, which was hilarious then, too.

I love how you are totally #notallcashiers on this.

I wish that was true. Because if it was I wouldn't have to hear this same bullcrap about a "left-leaning media" toted out EVERY FREAKING TIME something even tangentially related comes up. That would be heaven.

Mendelssohn, "Hear My Prayer (O For The Wings of a Dove)"

better than 85% of the gags so far on this show.