Isaiah Tanenbaum

I mean, I don't necessarily agree with Ms. Wintour — er, Ms. Priestly — but the monologue has a certain logic and strength to it.

pretty sure it was "ale" but i like yours too.

a very worrying one. but it's the coen brothers.

Perhaps in modern Hebrew, but in the Torah "death" is Mem Vav Tet as written. Though I couldn't tell if that was a slightly wide vav or a very short resh, as you interpreted it; it flashed by pretty quickly.

Who Is Jane Doe

oh man, that hurts.

@1derer:disqus, gold is gold is gold. If you ask Ann how much your bar of gold is worth, she'll be able to give you a precise answer, and it will be the same answer you'd get from Bob, or from a financial newspaper.

In the universe of TWD — comic book and original show — everyone is infected, therefore when you die, at some point you reanimate and become a zombie.

to be fair, i think we've ALL forgotten The Cleveland Show.

so true. it's like a slightly more real-world version of the detective vision stuff. very CSI.

I also have an unusually high tolerance for car-based warfare games. Chalk it up to some great time as a kid with Twisted Metal 2, I suppose.

no disagreement there, except for the batmobile stuff. I'm still enjoying the occasional break from Spidermanning through the city, and I'm not yet bored with the tank battles or the Riddler races. But I'm still only a little ways through the game, and I know other reviewers have talked about the intrusiveness of the

Well, sure, but those crime scenes are way more fun and interactive than the Opera Killer Guy (still only halfway through that), where you're just searching the body for clues, like an actual detective does in real life.

yeah, I think we're talking regicide here. And also extramarital affairs — SHOCKING!

well, one of the LannisterS he had to take out was his dad, which he has already taken care of.

Well sure but we all know book!Jon is warging into Ghost though, right? Like, that pretty much is exactly what book!Melisandre sees.

The only one who has more good reason to take down the Lannisters than Dany is Tyrion Lannister. It'll just be a question of if/how he convinces her of this.

Yes, but Aemon was ex-Targ, that's the whole point of him.

wait, how does R + L = J grant an asterisk to a Lannister/Targaryen meet-up? Are you mixing up Stark and Lannister? HOW DARE YOU SIR HOW DARE YOU