Isaiah Tanenbaum

Another problem with the rape scene. as shot, is that it doesn't even appear to be using Sansa's rape to advance Sansa's storyline, but rather using Sansa's rape to advance Theon's. That's some fridging-level de-agency-ing right there.

Prince Bashir is the best.

ex-lab assistant prolethean daddy guy. Johanssen.

I wonder if another implication here is that some of the Castor clones are copies of copies, thus the greater chance for errors to crop up, and the speed with which Seth (presumably the youngest) went from normal to "stage 5 in the field".

I'm not a biologist by any means, but my understanding was that finding the original Castor from which they were cloned would be ideal; similarly, finding the original Leda would be a sure cure for the Clone Club ladies.

if we protect our children against grayscale, it'll just encourage them to go out to the old ruins and get it on with the stone men.

This is all valid. But it seems to me that Dany's claim is no less legitimate than Stannis', assuming she can get herself and her dragons across the sea. She can always "legally" un-overthrow the Targaryens, if she can get the people/houses behind her. As Jayne Cobb might say, "well, that'll be an interesting day."

Loved the parallel daddy stories in these last two episodes:

The point stands though that Dany (and, perhaps, you know who) are more direct descendants anyway.

Well don't all the noble families have Targaryen blood though? If you go back far enough.

Davos would make a great Hand for that reason.

but they overthrew the "true" dynasty. it's only his by virtue of killing all the targaryens, which didn't happen.

"even if she had to play the part of oh my husband cheated on me and this is his bastard in public."

that WOULD be a total GRRM move, but at some point you have to stop being a dick and bow to story structure. Right?

The FM are in Westeros. Dany is halfway across the world fighting the Sons of the Harpy.

Almost certainly the "promise me" was that he would take care of Jon and never tell anyone else the truth of his parentage (he was going to tell Jon after his stint as Hand was done, but we all know how that turned out). He stuck to that promise, even if it would have been easier — and maybe even better — to tell Cat.

yes, this plus her reference to "power" within him (as in "power in a king's blood") would seem to imply that she knows what's what.

Perhaps, but two-handed Jamie was pretty cocksure because he was easily the best swordsman in Westeros. If anything, I suppose he might have learned off-handed fighting just to pull a Inigo Montoya "I am not left-handed" moment on some jerk who thought he was getting one up on Jamie fooking Lannister.

He learned! He was practicing with Bronn last season, and getting his butt kicked. It was funny.