Isaiah Tanenbaum

just head over to HBO for some DaarioCal.

world on fire?

It's just beyond her experience, not her abilities. She's grown up on princess stories and she spent the first two seasons being a pawn, but she is still Cat's daughter and she's had an excellent Evil Master Plan education — first in KL, and now with Baelish. Her first plan will be taking out Ramsay under

I for one can't wait to hear about his sexual exploits with the Sand Snakes.

If she has truly learned everything from Littlefinger, she will figure it out herself.

it'll be a great scene when she figures that out. The most satisfying conclusion to the Sansa/Littlefinger storyline would be her learning everything she can about the Game at his feet, and finally and fatally out-maneuvering him.

they were looking at Moat Cailin, but by the time the next scene had rolled around they had moved through MC and were arriving at Winterfell.

well, that's basically what the Expert reviews have been for a while now. With a little "spoiler section" afterwards with speculation about how Upcoming Plot Development X will play out on screen.

There's also the fun of comparing the presentation of those scenes between book and show. While many events are the same, of course, a lot of the characterization and coloring is not, and certain elements have been re-combined in a way that fosters discussion. It's nice to be able to hash around with that, too, with

Expert here, but I enjoy popping into the Newbie reviews as well for a fresh perspective. As for your question, we'll probably by on the same page by next season, though there are certain scenes that have now outpaced the books and we're as in the dark as you are. But there are also still MAJOR book things that need

which is what forces Theon to save Arya. Er, Jeyne. Er, Sansa.

I, too, was confused by this. I think we're meant to understand it as Winterfell by those clues, and also by Brienne's "I know where they're going" line. Could have used maybe one more line that firmly placed them there — all those muddy Northern castles look pretty much the same.

Thorne knows how to play the game. Sure, he ended up on the Wall, but he has a grudging respect for Jon and could see that fighting him on this wasn't going to accomplish anything. It'll be interesting to see where this takes the relationship — I suspect we'll get some warming up before, you know, THAT THING happens.

didn't doubt it for a second.

I feel like that's just the kind of wife that show!Bronn would both need, and appreciate. Someone with no guile, who was nice. With a castle.

"hey, who's got 'perv-face guy with Rogue hair' today?"
"a man does"
"well yeah, OBVIOUSLY a man does, we're all men. plus a few girls."
"no, a man."
"gods, our syntax is weird just for the sake of being weird, isn't it?"

Well, sure, but plenty of people walk up to Michael Douglas and tell him they've modeled their lives on Gordon Gecko. There's no doubt that Jordan Belfort is cut from the same cloth, and presents the same risk for the uncritical viewer.

wait, hold up a sec, can we talk for a minute about how the French phrase for "April Fool's!" is apparently "Poisson D'Avril" ("April Fish")? Because that's seriously amazing, too.

weren't conway's hands robot hands?

Can we also point out how completely ridiculous the SHIELD "solution" to this problem was? She grafts blades onto her nails, so they cover the nails in… big clunky metal gloves that make it impossible for her to effectively use her hands on much of anything, even after (one presumes) years in them. Why didn't SHIELD