Isaiah Tanenbaum

Seemed appropriate to me given that it's just a neighborhood he's patrolling. I also thought it was a nice hybrid of "policeman with actual authority" and "honorary title" — a great way to both give them power while being able to take it away later if need be.

good lord, hasn't maggie been through enough?

that was my reading of that scene too. I think the message was something like "need more time" — so he must have known that he was under the (literal and metaphorical) gun.


the problem is we all have to take a full hour break after eating from craft services so we don't get cramps and die. it really makes scheduling tricky.

which leaves lice and flies, i believe.

the inability to drink water would line up with 1: turning the Nile to blood
also we get boils when Daryl burns his hand

See Nanette? That's how it's done.

It's cool, Tom Hanks is stepping out on her with a completely different Meg Ryan.

Forgot to blame the Jews. C- trolling at best.

What is best in life? The male 18-35 demo.

if you played it a certain way you didn't have to choose. today, everybody lives!

I'm not even sure the "bending over the CO" part is necessarily true. That could be a detail he made up to cover up the fact that he shot them all before any of his buddies woke up.

I think the things you're seeing as similarities have less to do with Marvel, and more to do with them both being weekly network action/adventure dramas. Could they tell a deeper, more complex story? Could the characters be a bit less broad? Maybe on SciFi, or FX or even USA, but not on ABC. You're expecting Breaking

I'm hypothesizing time. The average hot dog at a stadium was probably cooked within the last hour. At a gas station, consider yourself lucky if it got made this decade.

Just proof that noted high school athlete Neil DeGrasse Tyson has reverted to form. Go back to the A table, jock, the real nerds are over here not even caring about football!

I stand corrected. Now back to thinking about the likelihood that we are surrounded by aliens that leave your mind when you aren't looking at them.

Yes, but this is Richard "southern strategy" Nixon we are talking about here.

Yeah, but NIXON?! I would LOVE to be wrong but it's hard to imagine that racist antisemite being on the leading edge of egalitarianism.