Isaiah Tanenbaum

See, my problem with "Man of Steel"'s casting is that it has actors that are so good, and it just WASTES them, like showing up at a 5-star restaurant and insisting they serve you grilled cheese on Wonder Bread. Costner has a few lines about secrets, or something, and then dies saving the family dog because… I still

a bit of movie trivia I'm SURE all those kids slurping from the souvenir Burger King soda cups were very aware of.

Marc Singer was the Beastman. I assume you mean Bryan Singer (who happens to be his cousin — thanks Wikipedia!).

oh man, he totally does. good call.

he was, then he shot him, so he wasn't. very confusing, this westerosi parentage.

maybe the guy just REALLY HATES musicians.

Was anyone else NOT surprised by this "revelation" that the Clones were supposed to be infertile? The whole discovery of polyps on Dead Video Diary Girl's uterus seemed to me to indicate just that, I was honestly shocked that Rachel apparently hadn't put two and two together here.

plus Dead Video Diary Girl, who we won't see again but exists only to provide a scary vision of what awaits all of them, especially Cosima.

Dead Buddy was DEFINITELY his monitor, and the cryptic message was meant to tell Beth than Paul was hers. I'm also willing to bet dollars to donuts that Dead Buddy and Paul were both in the military together, and that Paul was likely involved in the heist-gone-wrong in the cold open, probably on the other side of the

i agree that it seems like brienne and hound will fight next. so they could just be playing with us on the "infected bite that will kill the hound" thing though. they've been known to do that sort of thing.

give me great characterization and medium-to-good visuals over the opposite ANY DAY OF THE WEEK

you know what we also didn't see coming? Hitler.

it wasn't even CLOSE how much i played that game vs. how much actual math i did on that $95 calculator…

yeah a number of those lines — mcgovern's character's as well as arya's and the hounds' — were literally straight out of Beckett. it was a nice touch from a pair of showrunners who studied him extensively in college, apparently.

Yeah, it's been a few years since I saw the film. Thanks for the reminder! Wonder how they'll do it.

yes, exactly. i've never seen wilmore do "angry shouting". his shtick is much more about "quiet yet stern instruction" or, as baramos put it, sarcastic disdain.

not so! i thought younger obi-wan actually gave some great color to the older version we see in the original trilogy. totally didn't make up for everything else though.

do we know for certain that this is set many years after the original events? if his character ages super-quickly, perhaps it's set only a few years later.

they'll save that for the final shot of the season, i'd wager. just pull it straight out of the book's epilogue.

are you sure you aren't thinking of lewis black?