Isaiah Tanenbaum

better balance, but lousy aim

i'd wager that's coming.

I was using canted angles before you learned how to SPELL YOUR NAME

Joanna — my money is on that. Lysa out the door, quick cut to the trial by the river, Stoneheart, wolfy music, blackout, and another year of waiting.

yeah, that made me mad, too. so mad. grrr, i said, loudly for all to hear.

Khaleesi is a title. It means "queen". Her name is Danaerys.

doesn't Jon Snow kill Ygritte?

you are definitely not overthinking it, that's exactly what they were going for. i really liked that joke because it was deeper than the usual fare these days.

oh man, i think Nudeviking has been taking Extremis, cause you just got BURNED.

i'm honestly a little confused about whether mike is a member of the bar or not. i think yes, because he sat the exam, just not under his own name? so he'd have a number, albeit one he obtained fraudulently.

Well sure, but the tale is set in the Middle East, not Northern Europe.

it does. Noah is not Jewish. Though there's no WAY anyone in the Bible would look much like standard white-guy Russell Crowe or, for that matter, the almost translucent Jennifer Connolly.

presenting himself as a first chair lawyer would be fraud, though, wouldn't it?

in the flashback episode they make it pretty clear that his record is forever ruined by that drug thing. He would never get into Harvard, or any top-level school, with a black mark like that.

has rachel even shown up for work since moving in?

You cash in your chips after a poker game, but getting a favor returned is cashing in a chit. Different things.

right, that's what's so surprising, given these companies' legal history. don't get me wrong, i'm quite happy they didn't. just surprised.

Sure, but that's an argument you make in court, like "self defense" or "insanity". I could easily see a Lucasarts (now, Disney) attorney arguing that this wasn't parody, but IP theft. I would almost see them NEEDING to do it, just to be on the safe side for future suits.