
He had a great performance in MbtS, deserving of the award. One can separate his performance in the role from his accused abhorrent behaviour off screen.

Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.

Hey, I agree. But that’s what the other side believes, and their reasoning rests on a ‘better safe than sorry’ basis that is superficially similar. That’s all.

Omarosa has never NOT been completely fucking terrible.

I think horrible people are just naturally drawn to each other.

“But he just said he was going to rape me in order to gain my confidence!”

Ah, but, see, we still need to “wait and see” if 45's administration is as awful as he has assured us it will be. Or, at least, so says my coworker who supports him. Because apparently having enough foresight to see that 45 is a terrible person who will usher in a lot of awful crap for a lot of people is not possible.

Or they are doing their jobs speaking for their constituents? 

Challenge for the next 4 years: Find a story about Donald Trump where ‘this is horrifying’ is not a context appropriate descriptor of what is happening.

You think we’ll all get dumber listening to Trump speak the next four years?

Here’s a glimmer of hope: I was at a meeting with dozens of people tonight organizing. We’re planning protests from now until the inauguration. People across the country are doing this.

Another thing you can do?

She was born in 2007 and has no memory of a time when we didn’t have a black man as our president. She goes to school with kids from all over. She and her dad speak Spanish at home. She came home yesterday telling me that it’s important to be considerate of fasting classmates during Ramadan.

Her world is so different

Snark aside, they played songs from Annie and Frozen because that’s what North picked out for her. I think it’s sweet.

I, least I called her. And I bought her a fountain pen she wanted that UPS is delivering a day late.

In defense of Isa’s comment, I took her to be saying not that SHE is criticizing the look, but rather how in our mean-girl society Grace doesn’t get so much meanness thrown at her look. Personally, I think the bone structure + decades of connections to Important Fashion People helps, but I do also really LOVE her

Several are. I brought two out of the greys via my replies b/c I was feeling scrappy. I’m okay with it.

I don’t think she does. She said her nude selfie was from before she was pregnant with Saint.

I was almost sad about it, too. Then I saw her call her gun a “toy” and now I figure: play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Well then it's a good thing Kim is very intelligent, an extremely savvy businesswoman, by accounts of people in the industry is always noted to be personable and courteous and respectful to everyone she works with, in addition to being absolutely fucking beautiful with an amazing body. Not bummed about her one bit :)