
Why do you feel the need to fill me with rage on a Saturday? Couldn’t this have waited until Monday where I could have been pissed off on company time?

I liked Arie when he was on the Bachelorette, I think he’ll be a good Bachelor. I liked Peter, but I don’t think he would’ve been a good choice, he spent so much time overthinking things, which does not make for good tv.

IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ERIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Eric Bigger “doesn’t have the charisma and attitude you need.”

We all know the reality there, Eric is too black to be the Bachelor after Rachel.

Should have gone to Eric.

Yeahhh anyone who’s kept up with Bachelor in Paradise could have known that. He definitely ruined his shot as Bachelor-nation Sweetheart.

So she eliminated scalpers by becoming the scalper, eh? Very interesting technique.

yes, i know. but since cardi specified “non-black latinos” in her response to vlad tv & she refers to herself as “part spanish,” i got the impression her father is not black.

Not to be that person, but she didn’t sue him, this trial happened because he sued her and so she counter-sued. It’s not really accurate or fair to categorize it as a publicity stunt when it literally wouldn’t have happened if the other party hadn’t initiated it.

Obviously. It’s Jezebel. We have to tear her down for literally every single thing she does. Did you not get the memo?

I also support replacing George Washington with Kanye.

When I was 19 I got two STDs in one week. Where is my parade?

I keep hearing how they ruin the lives of the men they get involved with but it seems more like they have terrible taste in men and put up with their drama for much too long.

I agree. It’s wonderful that we allow our cities to shine (because of undocumented immigrants polishing) on the hill (of pollution that a lack of EPA is about to create), act as beacon (through a president’s misogynistic tweets) of freedom (for bigots to hide behind tradition and religion), serve as a safe (but not

Well, I know I feel safer here in this shining city on the hill, this beacon of freedom, this safe harbor for the wretched and yearning, this symbol that if you work hard you can achieve anything!

In 1 week I got retweeted by Ava DuVernay AND Jill Soloway so I’m basically a famous person now.

I got out of the grays on Wednesday and wrote it down in my old lady datebook (real pen, real paper) as “UNGRAYED TODAY!!!” I only write historic things in there: births, deaths, first lightening bug sighting each year, shitty election results, Cubs World Series wins, etc., so I am totally pathetic (pathetic and

I love Jezebel so much that I was like, fine, for Jezebel, I will unblock. And then the first (moving) ads I saw were incredibly violent, and demonstrated an angry man punching and a woman in tears, screaming. Wtf, Jezebel? This is the kind of advertising you want to shove in our faces?

Oh great. Here comes all the hate and criticism despite the fact that Banksy has always produced pretty thoughtful and often social justice oriented free art.