
My thoughts exactly! These women have basically exposed and flipped the hollywood game and profited off of it instead of letting gross men at the top profit from it and yet they get all the vitriol. I used to not care about them at all, but all the hate made me curious so now I read the articles and instagram and but

i find her incredibly badass and, all things considered, very classy. shit is flung at her and her family at an unbelievable rate and her family tends to engage, but what i hear of kim is good- she’s kind, polite and doesn’t engage. i think it’s disgusting how much people focus on a sex tape she did years ago making

the rage kim inspires in people WILL ALWAYS MAKE ME LOVE HER.

I wasn’t expecting this given their brand, but good for you Kim. Especially with the rumors going around about her wanting to divorce him. They seem to genuinely love each other, even if it’s just the idea of each other. Either way they’re happy, so good for them and just because the haters are doing way TEW much, I

It’s not Kesha who’s doing it. It’s EVERYONE ELSE who has seen what a fucking rape-apologizing money-hungry mega-douche Sony is.

You can say that “racism is prejudice + power” as much as you want, but “racism” is an actual English word with a defined meaning. A meaning that I googled.

Don’t know where this clip is from but I like the force she puts behind that palm wallop. That woman knows how to get shit done. :)

OMG, Angélica Aragón. She is the best.

I know I’m just a dumb man, but... isn’t sticking up for/trying to bail out your spouse just being a good spouse? I mean, if my wife was a blowhard like Kanye but I loved her, I would feel compelled to try to help her clean up her inevitable messes. You know, because of that whole silly love and “life partner” thing.

“She’s really fucking busy” = “We didn’t even try because we can’t fucking afford her.”

Yeah, if my husband publically fucked up in such an embarrassing way, I’m pretty sure he’d be the one apologizing both publically and privately.

Same here, I'm a decent lay and have been grey for years! Maybe we can work out some kind of exchange?

“what a good wife does”

what! I’m pretty good in bed too - ungrey me!

Yeah, Gwen’s gone full Blake. I bet when she was with Gavin it was all Bangers and Mash and Figgy puddings.

I think I am most offended that Vogue continually puts lacklustre, boring, do-nothing starlets on their covers while ignoring interesting and charismatic actresses of color. Why hasn’t Kerry Washington had a cover yet but Blake Lively has had multiple covers? Why haven’t they had a cover story on Gabby Union’s

Literary nerds unite! I’m giddy about this!!

I can’t imagine being Muslim and thinking that the Republican party was a good option. For that matter, choosing them as an African American, Hispanic, female, LGBT, poor, disabled or amorphous blob person with only two functioning brain cells.

this looks like it should be written on a high school bathroom wall somewhere