I was exaggerating a bit when I wrote that, I'm not actually bothered by it so much.
I was exaggerating a bit when I wrote that, I'm not actually bothered by it so much.
How do they steer?
My boyfriend is an ENTP. He's not so bad. :)
I would like to talk to her. I always score smack in the middle between INTP and INTJ. THe ambiguity drives me crazy.
Myer Briggs discrimination makes me giggle. Fucking ENTP's!
I would never call the USSR an atheist state. Orthodox Christianity was very prevalent, just not state supported.
This made me laugh!
My private little theory is that she must have treated her like you treat a young child. I imagine a very authoritative, do-as-I-say kind of parenting. I guess this works really well for small children, but after a certain age you have to explain and engage with a child a lot more. Jenelle's reasoning and decision…
What's funny is, that I was thinking 'man, he looks old' when I saw him. I suppose since I keep watching old friends reruns, in my head he never ages.
Yes, you are right. He is also really horrible. I stopped watching the show a long time ago, but it seems like nothing has changed.
I think she is one of the worst parents of the show. There's got to be a reason Jenelle is so clueless when it comes to live.
I think this is a horrible idea. If we give those kind of babies publicity, suddenly all the fetuses will decide to become down fetuses. We, as the best society in the world, should not encourage these kind of life style choices!!!!!eleven!
Nice to learn this just as I wake up from my first daytime nap in years.
Once, I was on my way to work and a little boy and his mother entered our train. The boy was adorable and watching everyone wide eyed. Suddenly he turned to his mother and said for everyone to hear: "Mommy, this man over there has a penis and you, you have a vagina, right?"
I was just going to say the same. Season 9 was absolutely ridiculous.
As a German, I have to ask: Sure these things are not sausages?
She can sing, but I wish she would en-un-ci-ate.
Oh god, last book I read from him was Until I Find You. I haven't been so annoyed with a book in a long time. How often can you mention that damn penis in one book?
Honestly, this is why I haven't gotten married yet. Now I'm wondering if my background could somehow be construed as poor.
Ah, I see. Thanks!