a cat is a cat is a cat

So hardwood is coming back in fashion? Great!

So my boyfriend got a great job offer in the UK and he's all excited about it. I'll be finishing my tedious Phd soon and I'm looking into getting a job of my own there.

Linzertorte is my favorite! Did it turn out alright?

Let me celebrate my Germanosity by correcting the spelling for you:

I am 6'2 and I have hit my head on the ceiling wearing heels.

Same thing happened to me in Istanbul! Super comfy chaise lounges!

You would be my ideal seat partner! I also list sleep as one of my main interests and we have the exact same flight mood. Any chance you are taking the Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt to London on monday?

I would definitely choose the STFU option.

Allow me to share an anecdote: Two of my friends, one French, one German, both pregnant, were comparing pregnancies in their respective countries.

Gosh! I watched Harry Potter and didn't realize he was in it. I guess that means I didn't notice him negatively either...

This is amazing! It takes my breath away!

Question about R-Patz: Is he any good? Can he act? I have only seen him in twilight and that was a fucking joke, but can he actually act once you give him a decent script?

I think my mom has an eating disorder, and it makes me feel completely helpless.

What I don't understand: Why German???

Sorry for having shitty brothers! Mine are fine, we are just not terribly close. I cannot imagine how the future will be when one of our parents falls ill. I don't think we will band together to help them...

I'm amazed about how people speak so lovingly about their siblings. I'm not especially close to my brothers and we really don't understand each other.

That happens to me too. Afterwards they always make me stand next to them so that they can try to measure me directly.

If I understood correctly: No. This would be true only in a globalized competition, where Dutch people compete directly against Chinese people, for example. As it stands, Dutch people compete against other Dutch people, which means they have to be taller than other tall people.

3 decades of war.

This is the Kelly Family, they are not a church band, they just dress funny. They were huuuge in the 90s in Germany.