a cat is a cat is a cat

Yes! I really don't see how anyone can touch my face 'subtly'.

I don't know. The study says that the temperature only increased when the women were touched in the "chest and face area", but nothing significant could be measured when touched at "arm and palm locations".

I don't know. I really don't know how divorce law worked back then. Maybe the man had to automatically pay the woman?

So, when Joan gets divorced, will she have to give half of her shares of SCDP to Greg?

I agree. I didn't get that scene at all. Was Megan just helping out Don by bringing a sexy girl into the manly atmosphere? Was that girl doing that on her own?

I agree. I always thought there might still be a future between Joan and Roger, but that seems completely impossible after this episode. Joan will never forgive this.

He said that? That's disgusting. I must have missed that.

I couldn't believe Roger didn't have anything to say about the partners pimping out Joan. I always thought he did have some feelings for her.

You do it too? I'm not alone!

Here is my technique on how to pee in a public bathroom (or really any bathroom that is not your own).

As a non-American, I still find baseball mighty strange. BUT NOT AS STRANGE AS CRICKET. That stuff is the strangest thing ever.

Did he get: "Have you ever committed, ordered, incited, assisted, or otherwise participated in torture? "

Yes. They also ask whether I am a terrorist.

Just today I filled out an USA visa application. One of the questions on the form read: "Have you ever been directly involved in the establishment or enforcement of population controls forcing a woman to undergo an abortion against her free choice or a man or a woman to undergo sterilization against his or her free

Smaller milk packages widely available? I guess things ARE truly better over the pond...

I'm in Germany and the smallest containers I can find are 1 l packages, which translate to about 1/4 gallon. But I live alone and really only have milk in my coffee every morning. The milk always goes bad before I manage to finish it.

In that case I would really appreciate it if I could buy pasteurized milk in smaller packages.

I used to text a lot when I was an insecure teenager, who was too shy to speak to guys directly. Nowadays I really don't have the patience for texting anymore and I expect a certain sense of self confidence from any guy I'm going out with.

I agree. Who still texts these days?

Awww, Landry still gets pimples.