I hope #PermitPatty got put under the jail for wasting the police’s time and for harassing a child.
I hope #PermitPatty got put under the jail for wasting the police’s time and for harassing a child.
This is awesome, hadn’t seen it before but it needs to be spread far and wide. I’m a white dude, but I’m looking forward to calling the cops on my racist ass white neighbors over some bullshit that day.
Can you imagine having a life so devoid of shit to do that you could even begin to give a rat's ass about someone selling water without a permit? The mind boggles.
Heffer is such a solid, underused insult
“It’s not your property,” the white woman replied.
She tried to HIDE! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!
What are the odds that this woman would gush over white kids selling lemonade.
Look, it’s ALL dreamy-eyed idealism when you’re in your last trimester. And I do think it’s quite likely that she can trick out a tour bus to include a private space. Sure, she’ll figure out that a French tutor who can TRAVEL with her and the baby gets way expensive in a hurry, but I don’t see why her goals are so…
That’s the thing. The “normal” ones seem that way because they’re not publicly stating their opinions. I dunno, I’m naturally suspicious of people who have trouble relating to everyone else. Wealth does that to you
One time a boy tried to grab my watch off my wrist outside the classroom at the end of lunch, I turned around and kneed him in the family jewels, he cried and I spent the next day on internal suspension, but that boy kept his distance for the rest of high school.
“I don’t want to miss one second. I don’t want to miss no smiles, I don’t want to miss no new movement,
Whether true or not she really had no right to spread that information.
I would argue that reporting on this is a further violation of Perry, whether she was or was not a victim of Luke’s. It doesn’t feel like she had any agency in this breaking and that’s gross even if she’s a public figure I’m not particularly interested in
Gaga looks beautiful. I cannot wait to hear the music. This movie will probably not be that great, but I’m going to love every second of it.
She’s obviously trying to distance herself from the White feminist definition of “feminism.” She’s talking about the White feminist need to always talk about theoretics vs. the real feminism which women of color are fight for in their lives and in the streets. She’s actually taking ownership of the idea feminism…
I mean....but a lot of people do have a certain type of person they imagine when feminists or feminism is brought up.
1. “Don’t know who she is” - yeah right.
This is where I’m landing more and more these days. My cousin is on paternity leave right now and it’s the most endearing thing, he’s clearly so happy and having the best time with his baby daughter. I wish that for more men that want it, just as fervently as I wish for women to feel empowered to go for their career…
I’m sure all of the responses to this will be measured and nuanced, and definitely not picked apart or be weighed against the fact that she’s a rapper/former stripper/whatever the fuck else white feminists find unacceptable.
I get it and she’s not wrong. But I hate the idea that equality means women essentially striving to be more like men. I think the world would be a better place if men were encouraged to chill the fuck out and act more ‘ladylike’