
Me either!

When there's a nuclear wessel in the first act, that nuclear wessel must be used in the last act.

Personally, I'd say the opposite, because Judge Dredd always balanced intense action with absurdist comedy.

When she sticks her head up the jellyfish's ass, I could tell the original line had her say something about "sticking my head up the jellyfish's ass", but they re-dubbed it so she said "mouth", and the little gargoyles said "oh uh um it's not its mouth".

I feel like Atomic Blonde is yet another movie where I've seen the trailers, which are too long and have too many beats in them and show far too much of the movie.

I felt the same way. I love Edgar Wright, but ever since the trailer, this movie hasn't quite "clicked" for me. I saw it and didn't feel the chemistry worked at all—the main character would need to be played by someone who just oozes pure charm and charisma. You need a "movie star" to play this kind of role.

I loved the show. The music was incredible, I loved the characters, and it just spoke to me. Sad to hear it's cancelled :(

I loved their recent take on the new XXX, but I'm disappointed they got through the episode without mentioning guest Adam Scott in TORQUE.

I love this so much. The best villain speeches are *true*, especially in Whedon stories. Just because he's a monster, he's not wrong about this.

These "Why won't Hollywood cast ___ anymore?" videos are absurd. In so many cases, it's "then she got married" or "he had a couple of flops and went to do theater" or … "he's been working on a TV show for years…"

I loved how Land manipulated the common Romero trope of the heroic black individual, making him a zombie in this case.

Oh, yeah, I totally see you what you mean there. "ITS FREE PIZZA"… then he pays for it :)

I'm a big fan of Eli Roth, and most of his movies tend to get badly reviewed, but I love 'em.

I agree it's over-the-top, but what would it be satirizing? I think it's just a straight-up demonstration of a movie punishing a guy for committing a sin.

All throughout Knock Knock, I kept hoping that Keanu would get his revenge on those girls, but really when you think about it, he DID cheat, and the movie just plays out his punishment. That's the whole premise, really, that even though he was put in an awful situation by those girls, he did give in and transgress,

I loved him in Knock Knock and thought he was great at expressing the horror of the circumstances he was in… I'm not sure Knock Knock is "comedy", though…

Just for whatever it's worth, I believe Tsui Hark is the director's full name, his family name would be Tsui. "Tsui handles the comic timing … " etc.

I was about to say the same thing. Uh … whut

All I can say is, I probably wouldn't classify The Fugitive as an "action movie" myself.

No, Jurassic Park is not an action movie. It's an adventure movie, a thriller, or a creature movie, but not specifically an "action movie" in the context of this kinda column. (in my opinion)