
Tom, great article about my favorite action movie of all time!

This video has been on YouTube since October, but my wife and I just watched it YESTERDAY. And today there's an article about it. … HMMM :)

In the theater, it occurred to me that it could be fun to do the Mirror Universe with George Kirk as the villain. I just kinda hope they could do Mirror Universe in the next one somehow.

In another sense, you could say the villains of all three of these Trek films have the same motivation. They blame the Federation for the death of 'their people' and want to destroy it to take revenge.

In a sense, Edison reminds me of somebody who was in the military, then came home and joined a militia or something and pledges to "take my country back". He thinks unity is bad and struggle is good and wants to destroy the Federation because they're not warmongers.

But their Soundcloud is!

I wish there were some! They broke up years ago and now I can hardly find a trace on the internet. They made an album, "Ballads", which featured "The Ballad of Tommy Wiseau" and songs about Ayn Rand and Glenn Beck and a monkey that bit somebody's face off. It is sublime!

Local Austin band Conquistador Inc used to do an incredible cover of "My Sharona" and "Girl U Want". They go together pretty well.

Aren't we outraged by a Japanese classic being remade with non-Japanese actors? I thought that's what we were outraged by this week.

The film *does* have a remote clinic in the Alps, just like On Her Majesty's Secret Service…

In my experience, "Gb" is generally read as "G-flat". I'd recommending writing "G/B" if you mean "G with a B in the bass."

Just want to thank you for using "asks the question" instead of "begs the question".

double bill with AfterMANIMAL…

The book "Star Wars Costumes" has a picture of the coat and text explaining how the postproduction color grading made it look blue. The coat is brown, but on screen it is blue.

My guess is he probably handled the incidental music for the show and it's just easier to say "he wrote themes for such shows as …"

He wrote "Love and Marriage", as performed by Frank Sinatra?

Did you have the titular line?

If so I'm not sure why he and Millar would want to subvert that, it seems right up their alley.

I had the unfortunate experience of seeing part of Kick-Ass, so I definitely have no intention of seeing anything else by Millar or Vaughn, but…

It starts again every Tuesday?