Here’s a nightmare I’ve actually had: I’m a soldier in a war, and no one’s told me what to do. Bullets are whizzing…
Rockstar already made that game:…
Hit The Road is my favorite. I love the new games, but HTR really REALLY nailed everything Sam and Max. I wish they could have done more fluid animations, but then, I was only pushing 33Mhz at the time. 66 with the big beige "TURBO" button pushed, but my dad didn't like us doing that.
Few people admit to buying modern military shooters for their campaigns, and it's not hard to see why. The Battlefi…
I know many people who don't like Gamergate who are tired of it. They're not alone. I was talking to a Gamergater…
Over the weekend, a game developer in Boston named Brianna Wu fled her home after an online stalker vowed to rape…
There's a scene in The Godfather that really resonates with me — not because I relate to it, but because I do not.…
Seriously, try to look away.
There is a reason why I made a gif of that glorious space section in the game. I'd kill for more of that. Give me an entire fleet of ships to go explore. I'd be in heaven.
I do love Prey. One of the best weird games ever made. Mind-bendingly unique shooter.
The Dead Space series was riding high after the release of Dead Space 2 in 2011, having become one of the most…
The results remind me alot of the parody Personality Tests on the Onion sister-site Clickhole.
You're playing a shooter. Some Marine stands in front of you, barking out commands. Whatever he's saying doesn't…
I've had to be three people this week. They exist separately, in spaces that I'm better off keeping discrete for the…
If you've played a role-playing game in the last several years, be it Mass Effect or The Elder Scrolls, chances…
Shooters, despite some evidence to the contrary, are actually rare.
UPDATE (3:30pm): What we first thought was a bug is actually an intentional fan project, according to Telltale, the…
Rami Ismail gave me a funny look when I recently congratulated him about the release of Luftrausers, his studio's…