Ray Liotta often played scary tough guys, but according to him he’s never been in a physical fight. From all I’ve heard from those I know who worked with him he was a great guy.
Ray Liotta often played scary tough guys, but according to him he’s never been in a physical fight. From all I’ve heard from those I know who worked with him he was a great guy.
She should’ve opened a booth and charged admission.
I look it up daily. Granted, I’m comparing ABQ to Los Angeles, which is ridiculously overpriced. Compared to that it’s dirt, dirt cheap.
Neither Kim or Lalo are around during BB. What if Kim kills Lalo, and is disappeared by Mike?
Would be wild if Albert finds out what Barry has been up to, and he gets put to work as a government assassin.
Fred was in music before comedy. He actually was in a band with my sister back in the day.
All I am certain of is that during the making of this, Sam Esmail was the happiest husband in Hollywood.
Well I’m guessing Tim Roth isn’t in this for no reason.
Google 4k77
I think people hate him for being everything Saul isn’t, and part of the magic of good narrative drama is making you identify with the protagonist despite their failings. People hated Skyler in Breaking Bad because she often stood in Walt’s way, despite him being a sociopathic criminal by the end and her just being a…
Lol. I’ve been thinking of moving to ABQ because property is dirt cheap there, compared to many other US cities. It’s completely plausible.
Netflix really isn’t bound by the traditional standards of box office potential so it is somewhat surprising they don’t take more bold risks.
I meant psychologically painting him into a corner. Barry had positive things in his life (the acting class, Sally) to balance out the darkness, now those things have been stripped away and all that’s left is the awfulness of who he has become.
This season is dark. They are certainly painting Barry into a corner and not sure where they are going, which is kind of exhilarating.
Reminded me of the Chapelle show racial draft skit.
Yeah, I’m Afro-Latino, look black, and grew up around a bunch of white Jews. My identity is complicated.
That’ll do , Jim. That’ll do.
If anyone trusts Russell Brand with their health, they get what they deserve.
Yeah, I caught that. Very clever.
No, I watched it recently on a 10 foot home theatre screen in 3D. Looked pretty good, this looks fractionally better, and not as good as I would expect after 13 years, which is why I said ‘much’.