Irving Lee

I think it's telling that people are still talking about all 3 DCEU movies to this day. On the internet, we're seeing a lot of hate and mockery towards them, but they certainly made more of an impression than most MCU movies did, warts and all.

There's truth to that, but I've met and known people in real life who genuinely thought Suicide Squad was fun. My Advanced AV class thought BvS: Ultimate Edition was a great piece of filmmaking. I'd say MCU movies are more market-tested and safe as opposed to just plain fun. It's not that they're necessarily

Well, the jokes in Thor 2 were at the point of almost hurting the movie. Thankfully the weak plot did that already.

MCU has wasted a lot of good to great actors, honestly. We all love to criticize DCEU so much but God forbid we point out the flaws in the MCU.

Playing devil's advocate, it's arguable that the humor in The Dark World ruined the movie. Not for me, though. What ruined the movie(and wasted a good director) was the monumentally trash story.

I'm picturing May appearing from the shadows every time Robert Redford's Alexander Pierce is getting a drink from the fridge.

Or a struggling writer trying to write his next great adventure novel?

So… Ward is AoS's Wells? Not on the same level of entertaining, of course.

A built-in crossover backdoor if I ever see one.

Not necessarily indoctrinated, I'd say. It could just be a case of her staying on after Hydra won the Winter Soldier scenario.

Starting to sense a pattern here.

Years from now, if, God forbid, people still doubt that Agents of SHIELD was the best comic book show of its time, this episode will be the one that proves it.

Why heal when you could regenerate?

That… That's kinda cringe-worthy. Let's not fall into the "childish entitled brat" MCU fanboys stereotype that's been proven true time and time again.

Oh, so that's the vibe I've been getting from her! She definitely would've fit right in with the Glee cast.

Every time I see Ruby's lines written here I just know how she's gonna say them.

It already happened. It's a Soylent Green world. We're just living in it.

It's a new show, I'd wait until at least the second season premieres to be openly talking about it in a totally unrelated(but still have some audience overlap) thread. The twist was just executed so, so well that I want people to fully experience Ted Danson's smile all by themselves.

I'd be pissed at that spoiler if I hadn't watched the show regularly. But come on, that show's a must-watch as soon as possible.

Notice how I said on social media, by which I mean things like Instagram or Facebook. I don't consider comment sections social media. It's like an improved message board, really.