Irving Lee

Yeah, the set design and production values look really cheap, or at least badly made. If you don't make a set looks like someplace that's actually lived-in, especially in a single-camera comedy like this, it will look somewhat weird and off-putting to watch.

Well, I'm not going out of my way to care about it. But since the episode and the review is addressing it, it comes to my mind.

"Usually, the fact that every Instagram comment on Chuck’s page is a person’s full name (instead of a username, for the purposes of anonymity) would come across as TV writers being out of touch with technology"

No, I too am confused what's surprising about it. Maybe it's because some networks are more strict than others? As someone who watches and collects shows illegally I seem to hear swear words all the time, so I wouldn't know what network forbids certain uses of swear words. You hear and see swear words used all the

Devante, I see no problem with. It's unique, it's still pronounceable. You throw in a capital letter in the middle of most names, it turns cheap and tacky.

As someone outside the American culture, and an Asian myself, this might be way off-base and completely obnoxious and/or inappropriate on my part.

You know what's funny, Internet? If it's the other way around and Landis' script is the one getting made into a movie, we'll be saying that the script for the current one seems a lot more fun.

"I'm glad they established early that it's not all in David's mind"

She clearly isn't dead if she's able to do interviews.

Can't we compromise on an altered good guy Rip? Arthur Darvill clearly can be a likable good guy without being boring, as evident by Doctor Who.

What, he wants a retcon?

I don't know what to say, really. For most people still watching to this day, it's the opposite. The characters have way more depth and complexities than most, if not all, comic book shows right now. Fitz and Simmons alone prove how much the cast has grown. Coulson is no longer the nerdy accountant-type doing the

If AoS was like one of the CWverse shows, by now we'll only get to the point where we're hinted at any existence of the Inhumans.

Each week I keep saying, they need to learn from how AoS does each episode.

It's like, "I don't care what Karen is doing, man!" It feels like they have too much filler stuff going on. Meanwhile, most of the plot in JJ actually ties back to Jessica and Kilgrave, which I really liked. Even the cop who was killed by Nuke, Clemons, was really likable.

I went through Season 2 halfheartedly. Season 2 was where they started to experiment with the wackier things, but they still wanted to partly be a crime drama procedural. It didn't work well…

I wouldn't go so far into calling them bad movies. They're still really well-made by Nolan. But they just weren't Batman movies.

Just give it a try, but don't expect it to be a superhero show. At its heart it's a spy/action show with the Whedonesque emphasis on characters, characters, and characters.

Still the most Marvel of the bunch. I get what they're doing but the Netflix shows seem to be almost embarrassed to be based on a comic book show. JJ, my favorite, at least kinda embraced some parts of the silliness with Patsy and Nuke.

Opinions and such. I loved Jessica Jones the most out of all the Netflix shows, but it(and Luke Cage and DD) doesn't really feel like a comic book show. Mark Waid's run on Daredevil proved that the "street-level", "realistic/serious" characters could still work with a fun, bright setting. Watching DD and Luke Cage