The CEO of little Caesars paid Rosa parks rent for her entire life. Little C's is okay with me.
The CEO of little Caesars paid Rosa parks rent for her entire life. Little C's is okay with me.
I think, and I could be guessing here, that people are losing their goddamn minds right now because the President of the United States is unable and/or unwilling to stand up for the country he was elected to defend. That’s (very) fairly speaking, a big ass motherfucking deal. Being over it all is a feeling I can…
“AI leaders afflicted with the dreaded spelling bee bug obsess over things like religion, sometimes to their own detriment, because they have no default values for other important qualities.”
I hope a bucket of paint falls off a ladder and lands upside-down on your head and gets stuck there and you stumble around with a paint-bucket on your head and crash into a ladder and fall down a manhole.
I’ve found that in general, the more I’d enjoy something when I was in middle school, the better a first date activity it is. Coffeeshop? Boring. Bar? Dark and scary. But ice cream shop? Yes, please! Batting cages or mini golf? Bring it on! Walk through the zoo? Oh, hell yeah!
How much does America need to pay to not live with Melania’s husband? I’ve got $74.00 in my wallet right now that I’d gladly give up.
Just gotta get through this, Melania, she thinks as she walks through the whispering wood. Just gotta get through this.
“I’m thankful for Robert Mueller.”
Read and post there frequently. Made a lot of friends. Even chatted up several of my idols there.
hmm...yes...yes...I think I understand... ... ...I’ll just kick out anyone who makes fun of my “nerd stuff”
your inability to understand the words he is using stems mostly from the fact that, when you consider the basis of the language he is using, and he is using language, never doubt it, it’s designed to inform the most basic of the tenets of what we as a people, a united people, on all sides, wish to be known for and as,…
Fucking awesome news on Afghanistan. Absolutely fucking awesome. /s
Because we didn’t learn from the absolute mollywhopping Russia took there in the 80's (I mean, shit, Rambo III was practically a paean to mujahideen fighters in that conflict; my, how times change), we got into a land war in Afghanistan in 2001.
Turns out everyone in this administration thinks everyone else they work with is a complete fuckwit. And they’re all correct.
How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?
Yet you fixed your fingers to reply and your eyes to absorb the not-so-terse comment. Your whole existence is on display and you don’t even realize it. I’m not even saying much.
No, stop. Melania is nobody’s mascot. Unless she Lorena Bobbits his ass, fuck her, and even then still fuck her.
They will be offering thoughts and prayers that the Russians don’t use that information for evil.
This is a perfect example of people thinking free speech means they can say whatever the hell they want too without repercussions. It doesn’t work like that. And lately often free speech and the 1st Amendment is invoked to pretty much make excuses for people being allowed to say and write hateful shit. People like…