
Wow. Those are some ethics you have there, Kotaku. Actively advocating and cheering on emulators for a current (2 days old!) release on a current console? And there’s a slew of other Metroid games available on easily obtainable hardware. I get it when the game is old/out of print/long dead hardware, but for crying out

Crocheted. They were crocheted, not knitted.

...thanks to you and everyone else for posting spoilers for an episode that won’t come out here for...weeks? A month? Unsure of how far back we are.

Okay, that is some BS. She’s more covered up in that outfit than she’d be in a bathing suit or a lot of workout gear. It’s COSPLAY for crying out loud.

Okay list, but I’d make arguments for a couple of things.

Okay list, but I’d make arguments for a couple of things.

I’ve never needed a screen protector on my og switch, though since the Switch Lite screen is an unknown it might be wise to invest. I mean, check your phone screen. Is it cracked and messed up? Buy a screen protector for your switch. If it’s pristine, you might not need to bother.

I’ve never needed a screen protector on my og switch, though since the Switch Lite screen is an unknown it might be

My ancient but functional and reliable Windows 7 machine may have been utterly destroyed by this update. Think I’ll skip it on my Win10 computers.

I wasn’t an early adopter and I’ve largely gone physical this gen...yet I already had to upgrade to a 400gb card.

I’m the LAST person to jump on a conspiracy theory but....something is rotten here. Amazing that they removed a known suicide risk inmate from suicide watch only to have a suicide immediately occur?

Can’t tell you about any of the other ingredients, but by the time I worked there (earlyish 90's), there was no lard involved. Veggie oil, liquid at room temp.


Yes, please. I’d really love to have hot pink and purple sets, but I don’t like the mismatched colors (hence my joycons are boring grey).

ME! Hand/wrist issues, and most of my playtime is away from home.

I’m fine with not having all Pokemon available in the game. What I am LESS fine with is the fact that I’ll likely have to pay for their Home service for my living dex (Guessing that Bank support will end within a year or two) or leave it trapped in USUM forever. Which means that I’ll probably have to pay for this

Uh...this policy has been discussed before. One of the localizers disagreed with the removal of a sign that said KKK in one of the games (even though the game creator agreed to the change as it was not offensive in Japan and didn’t know it would be in the west), and thus his name was purged from that game AND any and

Completionist playstyle. Fairly limited time, exacerbated by wrists that sometimes give out before my desire to play does.

There’s a Twitch streamer named Cereth who got all the trophies for the PS games at least. Though perhaps he only did the mainline games.

Pssssh. That girl knew she did not make it into that college on her own merits. And she clearly knew she wasn’t hacking it academically while at the school either. Cry me a river, your parents bribed your way in and then you shat on it. So many poor kids would kill to be at that school and it’s wasted on your dumb,

And on that subject...the frozen prig kring string beans. OMG, we loved them. Gone forever, RIP.

Smaller, lighter switch with joycons that don’t detatch and slide pads (like the 3DS)...YES PLEASE. Especially if it can have battery life that is longer.