
You dry your dishes by hand? But a dishwasher doubles as a drying rack. I just open the door and leave it that way until things are dry, then put them away. I'm almost never in such a hurry that I have to put away the dishes NOW.

If you’re opening the dishwasher at the end of the cycle to put in the towel, you can just open the dishwasher and let the steam out, no towel required.

Is this even needed? I just open my dishwasher when it’s done, pull all the racks out and by the time everything is cool enough to touch, it’s dry. I call BS on this one and any perceived positive results are likely psychological. Even most of the comments on the TikTok say it doesn’t work.

Somewhat related:

Mountaing a TV at eye level isn’t about aesthetics; it is about not having an off-centered view of the screen.

Reddit is 100% right on putting your TV at eye-level, and any installer will tell you so. This is the exact advice that experts give with the placement of a computer monitor, so that you don’t hurt your neck. A TV above the fireplace is certainly too high... unless you do all your TV watching while standing.

This is not a matter of belief or aesthetics, the greater the angle you are viewing the tv from, the more color distortion you get, especially vertically. 

Dude, your kid would need to eat more than a thousand times he/she does before that would ever be a problem. But let me guess, you think fluoride water is against your rights?

Well, perhaps they do not contain the stuff that prepares babies for obesity?

Can’t speak to baby food, but things like breakfast cereals, they definitely have less sugar and artificial colors and flavors in Europe than in the US. The same brands of kid’s cereals are far less colorful in Europe because they don’t use all this artificial crap.

Ooookkk and you know the formula in the US that is shipped to stores in the US, wasn't sitting in extreme temperatures in the truck it was sitting in??? Or what it was exposed to from manufacturer to store shelves?? I think it's about the same risk from here or from there, only diff it's not FDA approved, look at all

You’ve got to be kidding. This article feels like it’s written by the onion. The FDA is a joke, they allow carcinogens and toxins in everything we eat all in the name is profit. European formula is way better simply because it's not full of shit, unlike our American formula that is chock full of gmo corn syrup,

Sorry but you should really do research before writing a ridiculous article. So your telling parents not to buy something healthy for their baby considering Europe bans a ton of stuff in their food that we don’t? My sister married somebody from England and we ship her so much food and candy cause you can’t get it over

Spreading fear is the biggest lifehack :(

Nutrition: The formulas may or may not contain all the nutrients required in the U.S.

Yup , from a European point of view the FDA seem to allow any old crap in food if they’re lobbied to by manafacturers...AND have ridiculous bans like the ones on Kinder Eggs..

EXACTLY! Read about how terrible US based formulas are. Our high rates of obesity, etc. This article is stupid and assumes the FDA has our best interest at heart and not the lobbyists that control it. Laughable, do better. 

This is hilarious considering the EU has stricter food safety standards than the US.

Sounds more like the doctors are saying to not buy it as it doesn’t support the people who give them their kick backs.  

I have a male friend who was somehow injured or traumatize by childhood circumision and has sort of lost his mind about it. He’s heading a movement to make it the same thing as female genital mutilation, make it illegal, the whole nine.