
Watching Lyanna Mormont eviscerate the cowardly liege-lords was almost as satisfying as watching Paul Atreides’ sister Alia call out Baron Harkonnen, the Emperor, and the Reverend Mother.

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I just found out about Moshow a couple days ago! What a guy.

This film looks extraordinary and in the spirit of celebrating cats and the people who love them, may I introduce Moshow to the conversation?

I saw this on Twitter a couple of days ago and it made me think...for a split second...we’re all going to be okay:

Welp. Here we go. Time to find out if our democracy is really as resistant to demagoguery as we all believed.

can’t for the life of me keep fifth harmony and little mix straight. just know who it is based on whether or not i see perrie edwards in the photo.

OH SHIT! Tilda came with fucking receiptsssssssssss

“But what about a hot black woman vs. a church-going illegal immigrant?”

The illegal immigrant wins in this case. First off, most of the rabid Right would never acknowledge that a black woman can be hot, and if they did, it’d come with the caveat of “I bet she has a string of baby daddies.” Illegal vs. black can be a

yes you may.

As a complete aside, can I tell you how much I love your Duran Duran/7 and the Ragged Tiger avatar? Because I do.

always remember what canadian poet neil peart once said:

Send this cat to Trump’s White House. He (poop cat) is the leader we need in these dark times.

I want to love my Roomba (we named her Rosie), but I just can’t. She’s kind of a piece of shit at her job but then constantly rearranges my furniture. Like, I know you’re paying me to clean your house but my real passion is decorating.

My cat hated our roomba. He would run away when it worked and hiss at it while it was docked. One day we came home and found a giant turd on said roomba. The cat won. We no longer have the roomba.

No pity for my Roomba. I’m good to it - I keep it out of rooms with toys and socks on the floor, I pick up big bits of trash and leaves that I know it can’t, I clean it regularly... In return you must work, lil robot, WORK!

only if their savior is nailed to it.

they were told that anything shared on the religious retreat “would be strictly confidential,”