
Hey fellow pandemic realization sibling! I had a surprise divorce happen during the pandemic, which of course led to really thinking about what I want out of a new relationship, what I’m attracted to, etc. Realized I’m attracted to all sorts of people and just didn’t pursue it. I identify as pansexual mainly because I

As a born and raised southerner, I wholly endorse everyone using y’all and all its variants. 

I still say this.

Also the correct answer to “which song is the best on her Christmas Album?” is “Tender Tennessee Christmas”. Thank you very much. 

As a Nashville native, all I want to talk about is the rumors for YEARS that her and Vince Gill were having an affair. Which were totally proved true in my circles by their getting married. FOR SHAME!

I just watched this 5 times in a row. So funny. 

We been knowing.

DAMN. You ain’t lying. 

Anything less rapey is welcome. Thanks for the recs!

I agree 100%. I did not realize I still held such anger over GOT’s ending till I gleefully thought HELL YES when I voted for GOT Creators. CANCEL THEM. 

I can confirm his Twitter is a delight. 

Mind you, I LOOOOOVED Ani in the 90's. She was one of my heroes. I walked down the aisle to a string version of “Everest”. It’s sad when you grow up but your heroes don’t. 

This is it exactly. She was progressive in 1995. But she has not really evolved (heh) since then. 

Confession: I thought Hailey Baldwin was the daughter of Alec. Like the daughter of the infamous “pig” voicemail. Huh. 

YAAAAAAAAAAS I love this show. 

Co-sign. That song is a bop and a straight up pleasure, no guilty about it.

Have not even read the clapbacks, but your Night Before Christmas poem is fabulous. Would love a rhyming Clapback Mailbag sometime. 


I did not realize a new season started, so I watched the latest episode first because I love a good conspiracy theory. It was fascinating seeing that both Shelly and David started out as kids in Scientology, and explains a whole lot to me how they ended up where they are. It was interesting the theories they had as to

I DID NOT KNOW A NEW SEASON HAD STARTED DVR YOU LET ME DOWN. I have some binge watching to do!