
I really like Mary J. Blige as an actress. Plus Ellen Page and time travel? I’m in. 

baby Cher/baby Mia Farrow


That is a tragedy, because it is my #2 Meg Ryan movie after When Harry Met Sally. 

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No argument from me. 

I had not seen that Nike spot. Love it. “But it’s allowed me to add an addition to the house, which is fantastic!”

Are you... are you stanning for Bobby Finger? Who is a gay man? Who probably has no opinion on breastfeeding? WTF? 

Absolutely a good point to make. The American/Western culture obsession with, and war over, breastfeeding is not universal. Frankly, I find all of another way to police women and their bodies. Is the baby fed? Yes? Then it is none of your business!  

Twinsies! My husband and I went from barely knowing each other to half nakedness thanks to tequila one drunken night. We’ve been married 15 years this year.


Oh Hai, fellow Tennessean here, and yes can confirm Marsha Blackburn is the WORST. She stans for Trump hardcore. THE WORST. 

MEEE TOOO. It’s so dumb. It’s so implausible. But if I find it on somewhere when flipping channels, I will always stop and watch.

Point of order: it is Vivica A. Fox’s stripper with a heart of gold stuck in the tunnel.

I believe that is from Terminator 2, when Linda Hamilton is having nightmares of when Skynet takes over. 

The Wiz was enjoyable, but JC Superstar was genuinely great. Both had excellent casting and both leaned into the fact this was a live stage show. 

This is the correct take. The Heat is fucking entertaining, and  the more you watch it the better it gets. 

My husband and I still quote that to each other. Classic.

“Because Akil is 18. When you’re 18, the only person who can wake you up early and get you to go to church early on a Sunday morning is your grandmother.”

This is excellent kinja.