
Brokeback Mountain wasn’t just a good movie, it was a cultural tipping point. Once a cowboy is gay everything is gay.

That feeling when a ressurected Jesus Christ would get along better with Satanists than a good 95 percent of his own flock.

Hello Kinja this is a formal request to change the stars to pentagrams on this site. Thank you for your consideration.


God bless the Satanists.

I remember those. I think one of the main characters on Square Pegs had them too? My friend had a pair and I sooooo coveted them so hard. Damn, I’m so old. Viva 1980's.

sorry Selena, this is the best i could do...

Jesus Fucking Tapdancing Christ on a Segeway.

I don’t want to wear that face on my boobs, on my ass is different story . fart noise

I lost my phone once and next thing I know it had denied an African American family housing and refused to sell a cake to a gay couple.

You know racism’s gotten bad when male cheerleaders think they have the right to make fun of anyone else.

Given the sheer volume of unironic Thanks, Obamas we had for the past eight years, you really shouldn’t expect much else, now that the shoe is on the other foot.


After 8 years of “Thanks, Obama” I honestly don’t fucking care if people rain shit on Trump for every second of the next four.

I really feel like the worst thing a barista could do to anyone participating in this “statement” is fill their order just like they would any other customer.

“ emotionally described being left out of her child’s transition process:”