
Yes, coworker. FEEL IT.

Rand Paul said bluntly he won’t allow or endorse his current nominees for SoS and whatever that Brietbart asshole’s up for.

Peter Thiel’s project Isengard is completed, next step: project Barad Dur

He’s currently holed up in a tower with pasty gross dudes whispering in his ears. He is Saruman the Orange

“It’s like built in fascism.”

Lindsey Graham is a senator I am gaining great respect for. I’m sure I disagree with him on a number of particular issues, but the man has more integrity in his little toe than 93% of DC.

I feel bad for the poor suckers in the 3 buildings he actually owns — nothing they can do to get those names off.

Let me tell you, over here in SC, we are flooding Graham’s (and Scott’s) phone lines. We’re lavishing praise on him for calling for an investigation. We’re demanding he take a hard stand against Bannon. I never, EVER thought I’d spend so much time thinking about Lindsey Graham, but here we are.

BTW, his staffers are

That is fucking terrifying. There is no way in hell his team shouldn’t have met with the Pentagon before Putin.

Lindsey Graham is as gay as Junebug in July and I’m here for it.

This is so fucking unbelievable!

Right? Between that and agreeing with something Rand Paul said’s like we’re in the Upside Down.


which is remarkably funny, because melania totally aped the first lady’s speech, in heels.

My teen said she was going to a slumber party Saturday night and instead protested outside of Trump’s hotel in DC. #proudmom

AWW Thanks! I just think I’m a good mom ‘cause I just bought him a BIG FREEDIA TALKING KEY RING!

Thank you so much, I AM a woman, so no problem. And yeah. I’m so proud I could burst. But just like privilege has a way of being invisible, so do all the things that create a good kid. He’s had good teachers, and good friends. I buy him good books, we watch good media. He lives in liberal Los Angeles so has always

You want happy? My 15 year old has been to every single march here in LA with his friends and teachers. Walked into the house from the march with his “not my president shirt” and giant gay flag and I wanted to burst with pride.