
“It’s a big thing that’s present in the white liberal community. That, “I’m talking about it so I’m doing something.” No, you’re just talking about it. And you’re talking about it usually to other white liberals. You’re not really doing anything here. Talking is not action. Don’t just look at what you say. Look at how

“I would be very careful about exercising your First Amendment right to freedom of speech. Free speech in a Trump administration extends only to fawning praise, not to criticism or dissent of any kind. You knew this when you voted us in.” -said the scorpion to the fucked democracy.

They’re happy throw tantrums about red cups and happy holidays.

I needed that cry so much.

You honestly think people don’t understand why people voted for Trump? A large portion of my family and friends back home did. I’ve been defending and explaining their viewpoint to confused fellow liberals for months. I’ve also been doing a lot of explaining to my family that Trump is running a racist campaign. I

Yes! You go on and cry, too. You experienced injustice — chronic, ongoing injustice. And you know what you did with that? You just kept on going. You got up, and you kept on going because YOU believe in yourself and your quality and who you are and what you deserve in this world. You are tough as nails, stronger than

Yeah. After having that talk with them — which I was not really interested in having that day — I haven’t spoken with them. They asked to Skype today, and I just declined. I told them I’m going out.

I feel you so much.

I was a poll worker on Election Day (in CA) and it warmed my heart to see so many parents bringing their children with them to vote. I gave the kids “I voted” stickers and encouraged them to keep coming back with their parents to local and midterms elections too. I asked them how old they were and said “In x years,

I also point out to people that, no, you didn’t feel this way when Obama won.

I think if he can’t even handle the conversation, then he’s not a viable partner. A great partner listens, considers what you’re saying, and actively deconstructs their own views. If he can’t do that, then I think you should get out because I can promise there is someone out there who will. Life is bad enough without

my coworker showed me a video she took of her 3 year old daughter while they were on their way to vote: “who are we voting for? HILLARYYYYY! why are we voting for her? BECAUSE SHE TREATS PEOPLE NICE AND THE OTHER MAN IS A BULLY. BULLIES ARE BAD.” 3 year olds know that bullying isn’t okay. sigh.

In line at the grocery this morning, I saw the new issue of People magazine. I audibly “tsked”. The man in line in front of me turned and nodded. His young daughter announced “WE voted for Hillary!” Her dad prodded, “And why?” The child answered “Because she’s smart and nice, and he’s dumb and stupid.” So these two

Sorry I’m spamming with so many gifs. I’m just super excited today.

I love you all so much for taking something so very bleak and creating this glorious poetry-filled list. Reading Jez’s Trump descriptions has honestly been the single best thing to come out of this election for me.